The Terrific Advantages of Online Banking
With online banking you not only can withdraw money from an ATM, but you can transfer money between various accounts you have at your bank. Or, if you have another bank that is almost exclusively online, such as ING Direct, you can transfer money between these two institutions seamlessly. That way if ING is paying five percent on savings and your branch bank is paying a pittance, then you simply keep the bulk of your funds with ING. When you need money for your checking account, you simply transfer funds back to your branch bank.
Checking statements online is a snap - who needs cancelled checks sent to their home or who needs a paper statement? All of that information is available online and many banks update their transactions immediately. For example, if you head over to the grocery store and buy a few items totaling $20.64, then that amount will be debited from your account instantaneously if you were to use a debit card. In fact, if you pay with a check, that amount is also debited right away. Moreover, by the time you head home, put your groceries away and log onto your account, the $20.64 will appear on your statement!
You can open and close accounts online, purchase savings bonds, open an IRA, get current rate information, instruct the bank to make automatic monthly payments, and pay just about any merchant anywhere through online banking. Save on checks, save on stamps, and save plenty of time.
Although some banks charge a monthly service fee for online banking, most of those fees are going away as banks realize that the savings in personnel and paper costs is tremendous. You may be charged a small monthly fee to maintain all of your accounts, but that can be offset if you keep enough money in your account every month.
So, who is the winner with online banking? Everyone! It is an affordable, convenient, and smart way for consumers to do all of their banking.