What Is a Japanese Magnolia Tree?
Japanese magnolia trees grow approximately 25 feet tall with a 25-foot spread. They have rounded crowns, smooth light gray bark and thick grayish-brown stems. Their simple dark-green leaves, which grow between 3 and 6 inches in length, change to yellowish-green in the fall. Japanese magnolia trees produce 5- to 10-inch fragrant pink, purple or white blossoms in early spring before the leaves emerge.
Japanese magnolia trees are available in a number of different cultivars. The Alexandrina or Alexandrina Dark Clone produces 10-inch rose purple blossoms; the Verbanica, a cold-hardy variety, produces rose-colored blossoms, while the Lennei Alba cultivar produces solid white flowers.
Japanese magnolia trees grow in USDA hardiness zones 4 through 9. They prefer full sunlight or partial shade and moist, acidic soil. Early-blooming flowers are susceptible to frost damage.