The Leaky Roof: How To Prepare Before A Columbus Roofing Nightmare

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Living in the interior of a tornado-prone northern state, central Ohioans are no strangers to wild weather. Give the calendar a few weeks, and Columbus residents can go from severe thunderstorms and tropical downpours to an early season heavy, wet snowfall. As September gives way to October, these are just the types of conditions that can begin to unfold and undermine your Columbus roofing system later in the fall. It goes without question that when it comes to Columbus roofing, preventive maintenance to stop leaky roofs is essential if you want to avoid further trouble.

Be Proactive and Be Preventive. Don't Wait Until You Have a Leak.

With regard to overall roof maintenance, homeowners generally have three options: they can call a Columbus roofing company or contractor to prevent a leaky roof; they can opt for the do-it-yourself approach, being mindful of the safety risks; or they can go for a combination approach, performing as much maintenance/repair as possible on their own, only to pass the proverbial baton to a Columbus roofing professional once they feel the work is beyond their ability or has exceeded their safety limits. While the first option may seem the most costly, be aware that unprofessional, shoddy workmanship can end up costing you, the homeowner, far more than what was budgeted. In today's penny-pinching times, the hybrid DIY approach may be the best way forward.

Too often, climbing up on your rooftop is added to the weekend agenda only after you've detected a problem: the telltale pitter-patter on the roof didn't sound quite right last night when it poured. You heard the unsettling sound of water dripping inside your home, or worse still, you saw puddles of unwelcomed water pooling underneath roof joints and chimney seals or cascading down from light sockets. Why wait until the last minute? Take proactive measures to prevent a leaky roof.

Inspecting Your Columbus Roofing System

The first step, of course, is checking for possible problem areas. This may prove rather obvious like the above examples, or it may require a more involved physical inspection of your Columbus roofing system, walking through it step-by-step. DIYers who take that next step require a ladder, ropes, pen and pad, a spotter, and a good pair of rubber-sole shoes.

Walk your roof only when it is completely dry. Wet roofs can be slippery and are very dangerous. Once on your roof, look for an accumulation of natural debris, like fallen tree limbs, branches, leaves, animal nests - really anything that can serve as a moisture receptacle. Oftentimes, these are the places where roof rot begins. If prolonged enough, the moldy mess can eat through your shingles and damage roof beams. If that's the case it may be time to call a Columbus roofing professional. Otherwise, simple removal of the debris and a period of drying and caulking with roof cement is all that's required. And these materials (caulking and roof cement) can be purchased at home repair stores such as The Home Depot, Ace Hardware, and others. It's also a good time to inspect your gutters for similar blockages.

Some Advice About Shingles

In the Midwest, shingle roofs are particularly popular, bringing with them a style of classic Americana. But sometimes that classic look comes with a price: leaks. High humidity, windy places like Columbus, Ohio, are especially at risk. When walking your roof, look for shingles that have become warped or frayed at the ends. If a shingle appears loose (by walking over it and the shingle seems to separate slightly from the roof), jiggle it and see how far it moves. Doing so may break the shingle off entirely, but don't be afraid. If it was that easy to remove a piece from your Columbus roofing system, chances are it wouldn't have survived the next storm anyway.

Also, take note of areas on your Columbus roofing system with missing shingles entirely. Like the ladder, ropes, and caulking material, shingles can be purchased at most large home repair stores. Remember that there are generally two types of shingles: flat and ridged. Ridged shingles are intended for the peak of the roof, while flat shingles are used elsewhere. When replacing flat shingles, it's a good idea to round off their corners with a cutting knife, making it easier for them to slide into place underneath undamaged shingles.

Believe it or not, expert DIYers can even save mildly frayed shingles with a blowtorch. Frayed ends can be heated (not ignited) back into shape. (Please note that roof cement is highly flammable. Use extreme caution when handling any high temperature equipment.) Shakes, made from split logs, are also popular and can be mended in a similar fashion. However, they are less malleable than shingles and require a few more pieces of equipment, including a hammer, a chisel, a hacksaw, electrical tape, a tape measure, extra shakes, galvanized roofing nails, a coping saw, a vice, a nail set, and caulking compound.

Rather Leave It to the Experts? Contact a Professional Columbus Roofing Company!

We know that scaling your Columbus roofing system is probably one of the last things you'd like to be doing on a beautiful, sunny, dry, October weekend. Football with the kids would probably be more your speed. But if you do have that weekend warrior spirit and want to prevent future problems, it's entirely possible to tackle preventive roof maintenance all on your own, or with a little help from us.

Call Able Roofing, a Columbus roofing company, at 1-614-444-ROOF to schedule a free estimate. We'll be happy to help you out...before the weather turns foul and that "drip, drip" becomes a "kerplop."

Able Roofing is the largest residential and commercial roofing company in Central Ohio. Our Columbus roofing contractors are skilled in roof repair, roof replacement, re-roofing, roof installation, roof inspection, preventive roof maintenance, roof restoration, roof leak repairs, and more.
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