How to Wrap Foam for Cushions
- 1). Measure and draw an outline of the cushion on a piece of cardboard. Cut the cardboard with a utility knife to create a template for the foam.
- 2). Place the template on top of the foam padding. Foam is available from 1 to 5 inches thick. Trim the foam padding around the template with an electric knife.
- 3). Trim your fabric with shears so it will exceeds the width and length of the cushion by 3 to 6 inches on every side.
- 4). Lay the fabric face down on a flat surface. Apply spray adhesive to one side of the foam. Place the sprayed side of the foam onto the fabric.
- 5). Spray the opposite side of the foam with spray adhesive. Wrap the fabric around the foam as if you were wrapping a gift. Smooth the face side of the fabric onto the foam to glue in place. Hold the fabric in place so it is tight around the foam. Fold and pin two opposite edges together with safety pins.
- 6). Turn the cushion so that one of the unsecured ends is facing you. Fold the loose ends of fabric as if you were wrapping the edges of a box. Pin the fabric to the cushion along the edge to secure. Turn the cushion so the one remaining open edge is facing you and repeat folding and pinning the fabric.
- 7). Cut trim pieces to create the cushion ties. Position them on the back of the cushion so they will line up with the chair or bench slats. Stitch the ties to the back of the cushion with a needle and thread.