Securing Data From Getting Leaked Through the Common Channels
Hackers have become scarier and more threatening for the past few years. They really do not discriminate between their victims, whether you are an employer, an employee, a student or a housewife, they will target you. These online criminals use some of the most effective techniques and disguise innocent users in such a way that they usually have no idea that they are getting fooled by cyber crooks and are in big trouble. The web world is not a safe place to step in, there are huge threats on every step and hundreds of hunters looking for a small mistake for you that will give them the opportunity to attack them. But, hackers are just one of the many resources of data leakage. Here are some of them.
Data Theft
No one can deny the fact that the most ferocious and huge threat to anyone's information is of hackers. They attack the database of people deliberately with the intention to steal data, which will be used by them in fraudulent activities that will harm you a lot. The smallest of loopholes are enough for hackers to fetch your information out and then exploit it. According to the studies, more than one-third of the data breach incidents is a result of hack attacks.
Data Loss
Data Loss has also been a common channel of leaking data. This problem is increasing ever since data have become portable with the courtesy of portable drives like CDs, DVDs and now USB flash drive. USB flash drive has acted as the fuel on the fire. The thumb drive is tiny, yet it has a great capacity of storing data. This has been a blessing as well as a curse for computer users as they are very much prone to getting lost or stolen. People tend to lose their devices or get them stolen that lead towards incidents of data leakage. The portable drives have no built-in security and crooks have no issue to get the data saved in it without any complexity.
People deem to leave their old computers and drives abandoned, no matter how important data it once have. Formatting hard drives and the portable ones, does not really make the data irrecoverable. But, people usually are unaware of the fact and they take no care of their old computing device and neither try to dispose off their data diligently. This can lead them towards expanse losses and make a wonderful feast for the crooks.
These are some of the common channels of leaking data and they can be extremely tough to secure these channels, yet they can be easily secured. Using dynamic security software like Folder Lock that provides protection against multiple threats can be extremely handy. It can provide protection against hack attempts by offering password-protection. It encrypts data and can prevent data loss as you can transfer your encrypted lockers to the portable drives. Other than that, Folder Lock is also equipped with file shredder and it makes deleted files completely irrecoverable.
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Data Theft
No one can deny the fact that the most ferocious and huge threat to anyone's information is of hackers. They attack the database of people deliberately with the intention to steal data, which will be used by them in fraudulent activities that will harm you a lot. The smallest of loopholes are enough for hackers to fetch your information out and then exploit it. According to the studies, more than one-third of the data breach incidents is a result of hack attacks.
Data Loss
Data Loss has also been a common channel of leaking data. This problem is increasing ever since data have become portable with the courtesy of portable drives like CDs, DVDs and now USB flash drive. USB flash drive has acted as the fuel on the fire. The thumb drive is tiny, yet it has a great capacity of storing data. This has been a blessing as well as a curse for computer users as they are very much prone to getting lost or stolen. People tend to lose their devices or get them stolen that lead towards incidents of data leakage. The portable drives have no built-in security and crooks have no issue to get the data saved in it without any complexity.
People deem to leave their old computers and drives abandoned, no matter how important data it once have. Formatting hard drives and the portable ones, does not really make the data irrecoverable. But, people usually are unaware of the fact and they take no care of their old computing device and neither try to dispose off their data diligently. This can lead them towards expanse losses and make a wonderful feast for the crooks.
These are some of the common channels of leaking data and they can be extremely tough to secure these channels, yet they can be easily secured. Using dynamic security software like Folder Lock that provides protection against multiple threats can be extremely handy. It can provide protection against hack attempts by offering password-protection. It encrypts data and can prevent data loss as you can transfer your encrypted lockers to the portable drives. Other than that, Folder Lock is also equipped with file shredder and it makes deleted files completely irrecoverable.
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