Will We Get Back Together Quiz - Find Out If It"s Possible!
Especially if you had been together for a while, or if it was unexpected.
Are you missing your ex, and you want to know if you have a chance at getting back together with your ex? Here are a few questions to ask yourself, and that should be able to give you an idea of the chances of a reconciliation is possible.
I will also explain how to go about getting your ex back.
1)Do you still like your ex? 2)Do you believe your ex still has genuine feelings for you? 3)Was it an amicable break up? 4)Did you have open and honest communication in your relationship? 5)Are you open to changing yourself if needs be? If the answers to these questions are yes, there is a chance that you will be able to get back together.
Now that you have taken the quiz and found out if there is a chance for a reconciliation, the question is no longer will we get back together, instead it is how will we get back together.
There are some important things to keep in mind in order to get your ex back.
None of us like to feel rejected, which is how you usually feel when you have been dumped.
And, it is in our nature to fight for what we want.
As hard as it may be, that is not the way to handle a break up, and trying to get back together with your ex.
Yes, you will probably think and analyze what happened to make you two break up, and that is ok, but remember to keep it to yourself.
Instead, there are three things to keep in mind when you are trying to get back together with your ex.
You may not want to hear these, and you may not think they work, but they do.
Do Not Contact Your Ex.
You need to give your ex the space they need to let them think about things and let them realize they miss you.
They will contact you.
It may not be the next day, but if you think your ex still cares about you, they will start missing you, and will contact you.
Instead during this time, take time to yourself.
Improve yourself.
Spend time with your family and friends.
Do Not Act Needy or Depressed.
We all like our partners to have confidence, and if you go acting needy or depressed, it will show your ex that you do not have confidence in yourself.
When he does contact you again, you only have one shot to impress him again and remind him of what he's missing.
By acting needy or depressed, that shot will go right out the window.
Do Not Argue About the Break Up.
Let the past be the past.
Yes, it probably does need to be brought up sometime and talked about, but do not make it an argument, your ex will most likely get feelings brought back, and back off again.
Remember, it is possible to get back with your ex, if the answers to the questions were yes.
It may take time, but it is definitely possible.
Take this time to be the best you, you can be.
You may need to change some things, if it is something you did to spark the break up.