Sons Of Anarchy Halloween Costume
I admit that I got into the Sons Of Anarchy a bit late, infact I only just started watching it a few months ago but I have completely fallen in love with this series.
My husband had already been watching it but I never thought it would appeal to me but decided to give it a go and it's amazing! Completely addictive and compelling viewing, anyway the point of this article is to help out any fellow obsessive fans old or new, with some costume ideas for this Fall.
You can purchase lots of merchandise online at places like Amazon.
com or eBay but there is no need to buy anything, you can easily put together some bikers gear as they wear quite regular clothes like baggy jeans and leather jackets or hoodies, you can customize these by making your own patches and just pin onto your clothing using safety pins or sew them on if your clothes are old.
To make cheap and easy patches by using some white cloth from maybe and old t-shirt or pillow case and draw some patches on it, if you are a terrible artist then some simple lettering will do like SOA, Reaper Crew, Redwood Original, President, SAMCRO, Prospect etc...
Then you can just cut them out and glue them onto some thin card (old cereal boxes are great for this) and attach to your denim coat, t-shirt or leather jacket.
Add in a nice amount of facial fluff too! If you are blonde then Jax's full beard or goatee can either be grown in advance or check out YouTube as there are some good videos on how to make beards, you can of course just buy one from a joke shop or online stores.
For the darker haired then this is a bit easier as you can just draw one on, this is perfect if you are wanting to look like Tig as I always thought his facial hair looked a bit drawn in!, it doesn't matter if looks perfect or not but if you are wanting to look realistic and have an Opie or Bobby big beard then you are probably best buying one.
Old ladies can just draw straight onto an old white vest and wear some skin tight jeans to get the look.
Add in some dark eye make up and super volume-us curls in your hair, also put some jewellery on, the Sons wives seem to wear quite a lot of beaded bracelets and necklaces.
Don't forget to use some make up to put a scar on your chest if you are dressing up as Gemma.
I hope I have given you a few ideas here, check out the site below as it has some more pictures for you.
Have a great Halloween and just remember, just because you are dressed up like a member of the Sons Of Anarchy it doesn't mean you can act like one so behave yourself, well maybe cause a little Mayhem!
My husband had already been watching it but I never thought it would appeal to me but decided to give it a go and it's amazing! Completely addictive and compelling viewing, anyway the point of this article is to help out any fellow obsessive fans old or new, with some costume ideas for this Fall.
You can purchase lots of merchandise online at places like Amazon.
com or eBay but there is no need to buy anything, you can easily put together some bikers gear as they wear quite regular clothes like baggy jeans and leather jackets or hoodies, you can customize these by making your own patches and just pin onto your clothing using safety pins or sew them on if your clothes are old.
To make cheap and easy patches by using some white cloth from maybe and old t-shirt or pillow case and draw some patches on it, if you are a terrible artist then some simple lettering will do like SOA, Reaper Crew, Redwood Original, President, SAMCRO, Prospect etc...
Then you can just cut them out and glue them onto some thin card (old cereal boxes are great for this) and attach to your denim coat, t-shirt or leather jacket.
Add in a nice amount of facial fluff too! If you are blonde then Jax's full beard or goatee can either be grown in advance or check out YouTube as there are some good videos on how to make beards, you can of course just buy one from a joke shop or online stores.
For the darker haired then this is a bit easier as you can just draw one on, this is perfect if you are wanting to look like Tig as I always thought his facial hair looked a bit drawn in!, it doesn't matter if looks perfect or not but if you are wanting to look realistic and have an Opie or Bobby big beard then you are probably best buying one.
Old ladies can just draw straight onto an old white vest and wear some skin tight jeans to get the look.
Add in some dark eye make up and super volume-us curls in your hair, also put some jewellery on, the Sons wives seem to wear quite a lot of beaded bracelets and necklaces.
Don't forget to use some make up to put a scar on your chest if you are dressing up as Gemma.
I hope I have given you a few ideas here, check out the site below as it has some more pictures for you.
Have a great Halloween and just remember, just because you are dressed up like a member of the Sons Of Anarchy it doesn't mean you can act like one so behave yourself, well maybe cause a little Mayhem!