Ways to Figure Out If Your Spouse Is Cheating
- Your instincts almost always tell you when something isn't right, so pay attention. If your gut tells you your wife wasn't really out with friends, follow up on that feeling. Ask questions about her evening and carefully watch her reactions. Look for inconsistencies. Check her appearance. Is her makeup a little smeared? Does she smell different? Check her social media accounts. Did any friends post pictures, comments or status updates about the evening? If not, casually ask one of them how the evening went. In other instances, pay attention to your spouse's unaccounted-for time away from work and home. Make a note of patterns in her schedule, such as going out every Tuesday at 8 p.m. for "groceries."
- Cell phone records can reveal quite a bit. If you suspect your spouse is cheating, check his calls. If there is a recurring number you don't recognize, call it from a pay phone. If you notice your spouse always gets the mail first, try to beat him to it on occasion. You may find a statement for a hidden account or cell phone. When you do his laundry or clean out the car, check receipts and the car's mileage. If you don't remember going to a restaurant listed on a receipt, casually ask about it. His reaction can often tell you all you need to know.
- If trust in your spouse has broken down, you can no longer believe her word when she tells you where she is going. If you follow her, you'll find out exactly where she's headed and even who she is meeting. If she meets a male friend, don't get upset right away; it may indeed be platonic. Watch for inappropriate behavior, such as kissing. Remember that you may have to follow your spouse for a week or two before you catch her being unfaithful, if she is being so.
- Whether you have solid evidence or not, confronting your spouse with your suspicions may be an effective way to find out for sure if he is cheating. Say you want to be able to trust him, but something tells you that he is being unfaithful. Carefully gauge his reaction. A cheater often reacts with anger or defensiveness and may try to turn the accusation on you. He also may avoid eye contact, touch his face (especially his mouth) or shift restlessly in his seat. If he isn't cheating, he may react with confusion, concern and genuine interest in fixing whatever is making you suspicious.