10 Super Ways To Promote Resale Rights Products
2. Write articles and submit them to article directories. Your articles could get placed in eZines with thousands of subscribers. When you submit your articles to directories you gain one-way links from other websites which will build your link popularity.
3. Get involved in forums. This is a very effective way to get hits to your site and become known as an expert in your field. Be sure to read the other posts and the rules before you post. When you post in many forums you can add your URL to the bottom of your post. This will also help build your link popularity.
4. Offer your customers several free eBooks and Software programs to sign up to your eZine. When you gain trust from your subscribers they will want to buy from you. Give your subscribers true value with each issue of your eZine and they will keep coming back for more.
5. Start your own affiliate program and get other people to sell for you. Clickbank offers a simple way to start-up. Go here for more information.
6. Start Joint Ventures with other web site owners.
i.e., Offer to trade a free ad in your eZine for your ad in theirs. Trade links from your eBook to theirs. Give them a testimonial about their product for a testimonial about yours. The possibilities are endless.
7. Put together a free eBook with all your articles and give it away. Promote your resale products throughout the eBook. You can also add your affiliate links to these and give them to your affiliates in a brandable version for them to give away and increase the exposure of the eBook.
8. Reward your customers. Have a special buy three get one free sale. Let them know you will send the free product of their choice once they have purchased the first three items.
9. Be sure to set up a backend offer for your customers. Once they have purchased one product from you they are already in the spending mood so be sure to offer them something else that will compliment the product they just purchased.
10. List your products on Pay-Per-Click search engines. You can choose the keywords you want and get highly targeted traffic to your site.