Can a Reverse Cell Phone Look-Up Make Or Break Your Marriage?
Here is a good case study that depicts the benefits and possible Drawbacks of a reverse phone look-up.
Reverse Phone Number Lookup Case Study Your wife or husband's portable phone is ringing at a very peculiar hour of the night..
for the 4th time this week!.
What can make things worse is that your spouse grabs the cell and walks off to a private spot to converse silently - which means you can't hear.
This, in turn, drives you even more crazy...
You ask yourself, Who is the individual calling? The next obvious question running through your mind is, Can he/she be having an affair? Desperate to find the truth, you sneakily grab your spouse's cell while he/she is taking a shower or is out of the house.
You browse through the latest calls list.
You then see all of your wife/husband's contacts and friends are clearly labeled by name-names you recognize.
However, after further study, you notice an unidentified phone number that keeps repeating itself, both as an outgoing and incoming call, and more importantly, the time periods match those odd hours that raised the red flags in the first place.
Wow! You say to yourself, I think I have something here.
You jot down the unidentified number and then put the phone back just as you found it.
The questions linger...
Could it be possible my wife/husband is cheating on me? This unidentified phone number your possession might hold the answers to all your questions and consequent fears that continue to race through your head for the past few days.
Sad to say, with breakthroughs in modern technology, such as mobile phones and email, it has made it easier than ever before for extramarital affairs to become possible- and to not only continue, but to flourish! But this same technology can also help us, since they almost always leave a very distinctive trail, that can be traced, if of course you have the knowledge.
Since email accounts and cell phones are considered "personal or private space", we typically respect our spouses' privacy and almost never pry into these devices.
After all, if we didn't trust them, why would we marry them? That is of course, until red flags go off and we feel obligated to regain our very own marital peace.
Now it could be hell wondering if your partner is cheating on you, but knowing for sure, can be a very empowering feeling.
Since you now have this unidentified but possibly incriminating cell phone number within your possession, what do you want to do with it? Now, I know what you are thinking..
get it over with fast! It's naturally tempting to confront your partner with this evidence at the earliest opportunity.
But I strongly recommend you not to do this! Lets face it, your wife or husband won't admit guilt, at least without proof in your hand.
And the simple truth is, at this point, you really don't trust them anymore, so why risk an unpleasant situation, if they are not guilty after all? But before you do anything else, there very succinct signs to watch out for.
Here are some examples:
- First of all, Its very important to begin paying closer attention to changes in their day to day habits.
- When your wife or husband comes back home from a extensive day at work, is he/she recently showered and/or freshly scented?
- Be cautious about unexplained and higher than normal charges on bank credit cards and/or unexplained checking account disbursements.
- Monitor your cell phone bill in the itemized section.
Don't just pay attention to actual phone numbers, but also pay attention to times and length of calls. - Also look out for strange physical behavior such a noticeable decrease in eye contact.
Such behavior could be a very important telltale sign.
Guilt is usually a killer and, almost always, extremely difficult to fake. - Is your husband/wife, all of a sudden, in a happy mood all the time? That is obvious, new relationships usually have that effect.
Now, that you have that mobile telephone number - what do you do with it? Should you just call it to see who responds? The answer is --absolutely not! This will do nothing to arm you with the facts that you must have right now in order to confront him/her with the evidence.
The best way to discover who that phone number belongs to is with the use of a reverse phone look-up search on the net..
They are 100% legal to search and your search is completely confidential and discreet.
No one will ever know you carried out a reverse cell phone look-up or reverse phone look-up unless you tell them.
These reverse look-ups may even be performed if all you have is an email address.
The internet can be a useful - and discreet - tool.
Use it to your benefit and find out what is happening in your life.
Knowledge will give you power to take any necessary steps to bring sanity into your life.
In summary, a reverse cell phone lookup can help you avoid marital problems, as in the past, a spousal war was usually brought on by simply and falsely accusing your partner of marital infidelity, without proof, just suspicions.
And in today's modern world, those suspicions can easily be proven true or false, with a simple, yet powerful reverse cell phone look-up tool, that just recently was only available to private detectives.
And now its available to anyone willing pay a small nominal fee that can not only save you millions in divorce costs, but most importantly, save your family.