The Best Way to Install Mobile Home Skirting
- 1). Walk to one side of the mobile home and measure up 4 inches from the bottom with a tape measure. Place the end of a chalk line at the location and have a helper stretch it to the other end of the home. Snap the chalk line. Repeat the process on all sides of the mobile home.
- 2). Place a J-channel track on top of the chalk line and secure it in place by inserting 3 1/2-inch galvanized screws into each of the screw holes with a power drill.
- 3). Pound a wooden stake into the ground at each of the four corners of the mobile home. Tie a string around one stake and stretch it around the other three until you reach the starting location. Adjust the string up or down with a level to ensure it is at the same height around the entire perimeter of the mobile home.
- 4). Install treated 2-by-4 inch boards on the ground directly under the perimeter of the mobile home. Secure the boards at each corner of the mobile home with 3 1/2-inch galvanized screws angled through the boards.
- 5). Pound wooden stakes into the ground directly behind the boards every 4 to 6 feet with the hammer. Lift the boards up 1 inch and screw them to the stakes with 3 1/2-inch galvanized screws. Install the lower track for the skirting on top of the wooden board with screws.
- 6). Dig a 6-inch deep trench around the perimeter of the mobile home on the outside of the wooden boards, making it approximately 5 inches wide. Fill the bottom of the trench with 2 inches of pea gravel.
- 7). Put on safety glasses and cut the galvanized metal sheets until they are the same height as the distance between the ground and the bottom of the mobile home. Use a circular saw equipped with a fine-toothed saw blade installed backwards
- 8). Install the skirting by snapping it under the J-track located at the bottom edge of the mobile home. Secure the top of the skirting to the mobile home and to the lower wooden rail with self-tapping screws spaced every 4 to 6 inches. Continue this process to install skirting around the entire perimeter of the mobile home.
- 9). Fill the trench with additional pea gravel until it reaches the surface of the soil.