I Need Help Getting My Wife Back After She Dumped Me
Research reveals that in 70% of marriage breakups, it's the wife who does the dumping.
Generally, guys are not really good at reading the signals given to us by the ladies and all of a sudden, they hit breaking point.
Before you know it, you are back at your mother's or your buddy's place.
This can be a real wake up call for many men and the good news is that your situation can be repaired if you act properly.
First, you have to understand that this is serious.
You cannot afford to let this get out of control or you might find yourself in the divorce courts sooner rather than later.
Usually, most females take a while to blow a gasket but when they do - watch out! They tend to act on impulse and hopefully, this is what may have happened to you.
If you are serious about getting her back and not just saying "I need help getting my wife back" for something to say, then your next move is vital to the overall outcome.
Think about what she said to you at the end.
Think about what signals she was giving you that something was wrong.
It is vital that you do this because when you try and arrange a meeting to discuss your issues, you will need to have an answer to all of her problems with you.
When you have done this (please don't rush this part of the process because it will blow up in your face if you are unprepared), contact her and see if you can arrange to catch up as you have something important to tell her.
Keep this as low key as possible and don't pressure her.
In fact, ask her to think about the idea of a meeting and let her know you will contact her in a day or two if this is OK.
Hopefully, by not pressuring her, she may agree to meet.
If she does agree to meet, you have a chance to get back with her and save your marriage.
If she doesn't want to see you at this point, give her more time and try again in a couple of weeks.
Failing that, you may have to face the fact that your marriage may be at an end.
During your meeting, make sure that you listen to what she is saying without interrupting.
Don't get involved in the "blame" game because that can end in disaster.
Instead, apologize if necessary for anything that you have done that has upset her.
It is not easy being married and keeping your partner happy.
Sometimes, in the hurly, burly of daily life, we can take the important people in our life for granted or we can say the wrong thing at the wrong time.
By saying you are sorry, you are acknowledging that you have hurt her feelings and you are promising to be more considerate in the future.
By doing this you are giving yourself every chance of overcoming your issues.
Love conquers all! - hopefully, your love for each other will help you to get back together and go on and enjoy a long, happy and loving marriage.
Play your cards right, be sincere and you will never have to say "I need help getting my wife back" ever again.