How to Make A Survival Kit For Your Home, On A Budget
- 1). You should get a medium sized plastic container, and find a place in your home for it. You can also designate a certain shelf in a closet for some of your items. Just make sure they are close together. After you fill it with all of your supplies, make sure everyone knows where it is located. It should be in a spot easy to get to. It should not be stored in an attic, or under everything in your closet. Make sure your survival kit is in an accessible location for everyone. Remember your children when thinking of a location.
- 2). The first thing in your kit should be water. You will need at least a gallon of water per person a day. Prepare for at least 3 days. The amount can depend on the age of the person, as well as other variables. Use your best judgment. You should also have one container of water for medical emergencies, just in case someone is wounded and needs the wound cleaned. You can get gallons of water cheap at dollar stores, or other groceries stores. If you would like to store your own water, make sure it is in a container that can be sealed tightly. You can usually find these in camping supply stores. Make sure it is not in a glass container.
- 3). Food should be the next necessity you place in the emergency kit. You need food that is non perishable, and does not require cooking. Most canned foods will be great. You can also use things like cereals, crackers, or wheat snacks. Do not over stock salty foods, this will make you thirsty. Rotate these foods every few months, where you will have the freshest foods available in case of an emergency, and they do not expire. You can buy most of these in store brands. You do not have to overspend on items you will store in here. Remember a manual can opener, and utensils.
- 4). You will also need medical supplies, in case of an injury. You will need gauze, antiseptic wipes, Tylenol, bandages, tape, peroxide., and anything of this nature you will need just in case. Also try put a few days supply of your prescription medications. That way in case that are not accessible you will have some available.
Other things your family will need:
* Flashlight
* batteries
* Blanket
* Coats
* Change of clothes(Older clothing you no longer wear will work as long as it fits)
* Items for sanitation purposes(Towels, toothbrush, toothpaste, things of that nature)
* Matches
* waterproof bag
* Small amount of cash
* Baby items(if you have a baby)
Your Survival kit should fit to your families needs. Remember to shop at discount stores, or watch for sales on some of these items. Use things you have around your house, or shop yard sales. If you are on a budget you should not buy top quality items to store away in case of an emergency, make this survival kit with very minimal expense.