Cute, Easy to Make Homemade Thanksgiving Crafts
- Turkey are a Thanksgiving icon.Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
An easy craft for kids is hand-print turkeys. Just paint the palm of your child's hand and have her place it on colored paper. Once dry, add a yellow beak, red waddle and an eye to the thumb print, and turkey feet to the bottom of the hand print. If you like, let the kids color each of the four finger feathers for extra color. - Make some pilgrims and Indian crafts for your home decor.Jupiterimages/ Images
Celebrate with cute pilgrims and Indians this Thanksgiving. Make paper plate pilgrim faces to hang on the wall by adding yarn hair, a paper pilgrim hat, big eyes, round nose and smiling mouth. Draw a face on a paper plate for an Indian and add long dark pieces of yarn for hair and a headband with feathers. - A cornucopia centerpiece means abundance and food.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
The cornucopia represents food and abundance. Make individual cornucopias to fill with treats for each guest. Or make a large centerpiece for the Thanksgiving table.
Cut paper plates in half, fold into cornucopias, secure with tape and fill with paper fruit listing what you are thankful for this year. Another version is to let the guests write their own and then have everyone read their thanks aloud. - Fill your home with Thanksgiving crafts to remind you of all your blessings.Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
Carve the centers out of a miniature pumpkins and place spice scent candles in them. Hang children's Thanksgiving artwork on doors and in windows for all to admire. Frame their art with brown or orange construction paper to make them even more special.
Pilgrims and Indians
Other Thanksgiving crafts