Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back By Taking Control of Your Fear of Commitment
If you already know that you really are scared of settling, then read this article to find out how you can banish that fear and get your ex girlfriend back once and for all.
The first step in this process would be to find out exactly why you are scared of commitment to begin with.
What does commitment mean to you anyway and what are you scared of losing? Concentrate on your fear and see where your mind leads you.
Do you start thinking of losing your girlfriend for good in the future or are you scared of living the kind of lifestyle that you want? Find out exactly what you are scared of.
What are you scared of giving up? Are you scared of losing your independence or your freedom? Relationships should never take away a person's independence or freedom, though.
As a matter of fact, good relationships should help meet those needs as part of the actual relationship.
So, if you are scared of losing those things because of how controlling your girlfriend was, then you might want to consider that learning to get your ex girlfriend back might not be the best step for you right now.
Remember: a respectful, healthy and loving relationship should be easy to commit to and be happy to be in.
That aside, think about the other things that you are afraid of giving up, as well.
Then ask yourself if you really want to still be playing the field or be completely self-referential a few years from now.
If these are the things that have been keeping you from committing properly, then you need to start being more decisive in life, in general.
See, indecisiveness is a habit.
Whenever you make a decision, you are essentially making a commitment for the time being.
If it is hard for you to make decisions, then you have start practicing making small decisions as soon as now if you want to get your ex girlfriend back.
Sometimes, the best way to do this would be to simply make a decision based on a whim because overthinking might just confuse you more and even lead to poorer choices.