How To Get A Sexy Bikini Body
So you're going on holiday and you've made last minute arrangements but your body is in no shape to be seen in a bikini? Here are 3 exercises that you can use weeks before your holiday in the sun to attack your thighs, tummy and bottom to get those heads turning.
The Thigh Tightener - Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees bent.
Keep your back straight, with hands on hips.
a) Press though your heels as you raise one leg sideways parallel to your hip.
b) Squeeze for 10 seconds, keeping your other leg bent.
Return to starting position hen switch sides.
Max the move: do pulses (moving up and down) with your lifted led to get a deep burn.
The Tummy Toner - Lie on your right side with your right palm on the floor and left hand behind you left ear.
Lift your torso, keeping your body in a straight line and your left hand behind your ear.
a) With your abs contracted, bring your left elbow down to touch your right hand.
b) Repeat 10 times, then switch sides.
Max the move : Go slowly - so your abs control the movement.
The Bum Blaster - Lie on your back with arms at your sides.
Lift your legs and rest your heels on a chair so your knees are bent and feet are flexed.
Clench your bum and tuck your pelvis under as you lift your torso in line with your hips b.
Hold for 10 seconds, then return to starting position.
Max the move: Keep your toes forward so you can direct all the weight to your bottom.
The Thigh Tightener - Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees bent.
Keep your back straight, with hands on hips.
a) Press though your heels as you raise one leg sideways parallel to your hip.
b) Squeeze for 10 seconds, keeping your other leg bent.
Return to starting position hen switch sides.
Max the move: do pulses (moving up and down) with your lifted led to get a deep burn.
The Tummy Toner - Lie on your right side with your right palm on the floor and left hand behind you left ear.
Lift your torso, keeping your body in a straight line and your left hand behind your ear.
a) With your abs contracted, bring your left elbow down to touch your right hand.
b) Repeat 10 times, then switch sides.
Max the move : Go slowly - so your abs control the movement.
The Bum Blaster - Lie on your back with arms at your sides.
Lift your legs and rest your heels on a chair so your knees are bent and feet are flexed.
Clench your bum and tuck your pelvis under as you lift your torso in line with your hips b.
Hold for 10 seconds, then return to starting position.
Max the move: Keep your toes forward so you can direct all the weight to your bottom.