Bowl Turning Techniques
- Wood bowls can be turned from green or dry wood. Green wood does not refer to the color but rather the moisture content of the wood and usually indicates a piece of wood recently cut from a live tree.
Green wood will dry unevenly during the wood turning process. Most wood turners will attempt to finish any green wood project in one session. The finished bowl is then allowed to dry and a finish is applied.
Working with dry wood does allow the woodworker to proceed more slowly even if the wood is harder to cut and shape.
The first challenge is to determine the center point of the bowl blank and prepare the piece of wood to be mounted on the lathe. The closer the bowl blank is to true round the easier this task will be. Some craftsmen use a band saw to round the blank before mounting on the lathe.
Round the bowl blank on the turning lathe. Use low speeds and a bowl gouge for this rough shaping. At the same time the outside profile of the bowl can be roughed in also using the bowl gouge.
Once the outside profile of the bowl is formed the base of the bowl can also be shaped. This is usually accomplished with smaller tools than the bowl gouge and may require higher turning speeds.
After the outside of the bowl is formed it is time to turn to the interior of the bow. Remove the tailstock chuck from the piece which will be supported only by the chuck mounted to the power unit. The type of chuck varies depending on the equipment available to the wood turner but can include a face plate or a screw chuck.
At this point the tool rest is swung around to the top of what will become the bowl. Using a bowl gouge the excess wood of the interior of the bowl is removed and the shape of the inside of the bowl is shaped.
The bowl can then be finished. Often woodworkers use a high turning speed and sandpaper to give the wooden bowl its final smooth finish. The bowl can then be waxed or oiled for a final finish. If the wooden turned bowl will be used to store edible items a food safe finish should be used.
Bowl Turning Techniques