Three Different Ways to Earn Money Online
Whether someone likes their job or not very few people enjoy going to work.
So for those of you who want you drop your nine to five I am going to help you get started on how to earn money online.
The biggest problem with having a job is that your life becomes about your job, even if you only work a few times a week.
For example, if you have four days off until you have to go back to work sure you will enjoy the days, but the whole time you're just thinking to yourself, I have to go back to work in two days, I have to go back to work tomorrow, and it's depressing.
I decided two years ago that with the one life I have I wasn't going to settle for being normal and being just like everyone else.
So in this article I'm going to talk to you about three different websites you can make to earn money online.
The first of these is the "seller's site".
The seller's site is a site that devotes all its energy to one product or idea in hopes of making a profit off of it, it is also the idea that many beginning marketers use to try and earn money.
The second site is the "informational site" this is a site that gives information about a certain product, or idea, but does not try to sell it.
The informational site is simply about the information given to develop trust between you and your customer and then you load the page with ads and referral links to other places so that customers wont notice that you are actually trying to sell them something.
The last site is the "membership site".
The membership site is a site that is usually for the more developed marketers, in terms of, it costs a lot to have someone set it up for you.
The great thing about it is that the member will pay in order to come to your site.
For instance, if you have ten people paying ten dollars a month then you have an annual hundred dollars coming in every month, but like I said it's very expensive to have a membership site set up, and even harder to get it to take off.
For new marketers I recommend the "seller's site".
This is a site that is easy the manage and learn with until you get a firm grasp on internet marketing and how it works.