Sean Hannity Gets an Obamacare Worker Fired!

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Conservative talk show host Sean Hannity unwittingly got a woman working as an Obamacare hotline representative fired, then offered her a year's salary and promised to help her find a new job.

The sorry saga all started on Monday after President Barack Hussein solved the Obamacare €glitches€ by announcing a 1-800 number that could be used to clear up any issues relating to his Affordable Care Act.

Sean Hannity tried to call and finally succeeded in reaching Erling Davis. He advised her from the outset that, €You are on the radio, you are on the Sean Hannity radio show. Is that OK with you? You have to say yes if you want to be on€ and Ms. Davis quickly and politely replied, €It's OK, sir.€

In essence, Ms. Davis, who had only been on the job since September 23rd but had gone through training and had been provided scripted answers to questions, revealed that no one seemed to like Obama's ACA.

After Hannity detailed how difficult it was to get any straight answers, she responded, €Yes, sir, and I understand your frustration. We get calls like this everyday, but we just encourage people to not give up and just try until you get in. But nobody won't be able to get in until like 42 hours later.€

Fair enough. At least Ms. Davis was honest and forthcoming, traits that resulted in her firing due to her contact with the media. One suspects it was contact with conservative media that really riled her bosses.

Concerned that the mother of two had lost her job simply because she had spOKen to him - and told him the truth about the Obamacare €glitches€ - Hannity invited her on his show Wednesday afternoon to detail her experience and to extend his offers of new employment and a tax-free $26,000.

He asked, €Something happened between the time we made that call to you, and now, what happened?€ and Ms. Davis answered, €They fired me from my job€ and explained that the information she gave Hannity was the stated cause.

Ms. Davis said that the morning after she spOKe to him she was ushered into an HR meeting and told she would be canned since, she was advised, €Contact with the media is not allowed,€ even though she had never been warned before she was hired or in her training sessions that taking calls from the media was verbotten.

After locking the door to the room, because €they didn't want anybody to come in there,€ her boss made a call to an unidentified party who said to her on speakerphone, €We can't have this type of stuff going on here, so we have to release you.€


€I was just out here trying to help everybody,€ she told Hannity. Obviously, though, providing straightforward information to conservative radio show hosts wasn't considered helping.

€I'm very sorry that you had to go through that,€ Hannity told Ms. Davis. €I don't want you to have to pay a price just for taking our call. So I want to help you out here,€ which he did with his generous offers.

(Hear that 12 minute segment on WABC here

Granted, Erling Davis was treated shabbily by those Obamacare minions but the true victims in her shameless treatment are the American people who have been cynically railroaded into the Obamacare scam.
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