What Insects Live in Bedrooms?

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    • Cockroaches are attracted by unsealed food items.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images

      Poor sanitation or damaged structural integrity can incite a cockroach infestation in your bedroom. Once these insects have gained access into your home, they multiply quickly and hide in small crevices that are difficult to reach. Cockroaches can live up to a month without food; they can also live for an entire week without a head. They can run three miles per hour and hold their breath underwater; two facts that make them difficult to evict once they have breached your bedroom walls.

    Bed Bugs

    • Bedbugs eat human blood while their victims sleep.Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Getty Images

      These reddish brown insects are about the size of an apple seed. They hide in the box springs and small crevices of beds during the day; at night they come out and bite humans in order to feed on their blood. While bedbug outbreaks were largely snuffed in developed nations by DDT, the banning of this pesticide and the increase in international travel in recent years has increased the bedbug problem considerably. Bedrooms that experience high traffic -- such as hotels and hostels -- pose the greatest bedbug risks.


    • Fleas can cause itching, irritation and illness.Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Getty Images

      The rat flea, cat flea and human flea are three flea species that can wreak havoc in the bedroom. Often carried in by household pets or rodent pests, these insects multiply fast and bite humans. The bites are often clustered into multiples and cause skin irritation, blood loss and itching. Flea borne typhus, bubonic plague and tapeworms can all be caused by flea infestations in the bedroom.


    • A single ant scout can cause a large-scale ant invasion.Photos.com/Photos.com/Getty Images

      A single scout ant can alert the entire colony that lunch is served in your bedroom; unsealed food or drinks can literally attract hundreds, if not thousands, of ants a day. Bedroom infestations occur primarily in summer months when ants are actively collecting food to store for colder months. Sealing cracks in walls and flooring, plus keeping food and drinks out of the bedroom, will help to minimize ant invasions considerably.

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