Wednesday, July 30, 2008

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At the DiMera mansion, Ava snuggles next to a distracted John and is eager to celebrate the fact that she's not going to be extradited. A guilty John realizes that Morgan could’ve been in the hospital right now. Ava tries to assure John that Philip’s going to be fine, then they need to find a way to pin everything on him. John states how interesting it is how things can get out of hand. Ava berates Eddie for being so careless.

John doesn’t want her worrying, implying that he still has an ace up his sleeve. He states that they need to bring Rolf in there to clean up all the blood, then he has something to show her which will take away all of her fears.

John and Ava walk down to the basement, where John hands her the key and invites her to unlock the door to find out what’s inside. Ava is floored to see Paul lying on a cot, alive and well. Paul wonders if John brought his boys to rough him up again. John tells Paul to consider himself lucky, since he could be floating down the Salem River right now. Ava is stunned that John has had Paul down there the whole time and demands to know why he didn’t tell her about it. “Because I wasn’t sure I could trust you,” he admits. Paul insists that he needs to see Morgan or at least contact her. John states that it’s out of the question. Paul insists otherwise, since all Morgan has are two cryptic notes, one which John forced him to write. He believes that Morgan thinks he’s dead, unaware that she never heard the tape of Philip threatening his life.

John reveals that the tape hasn’t surfaced.

John gets off the phone from talking to a source at the police station and reveals that the tape hasn’t surfaced yet. Paul reminds John that he did his part in putting the tape in the envelope. Ava theorizes that Bo Brady made the evidence disappear, since he’s Philip’s brother. Paul is only concerned with seeing his daughter. John refuses his request until his plan has time to work itself out. He reminds Paul that Philip can’t be framed for his murder if Paul’s still breathing. John warns him to consider being more helpful. Paul rants how he’s been nothing but helpful. John informs Paul that Morgan has fallen in love with Philip Kiriakis, and it’s apparent he feels the same way about her. Ava reveals that Philip took a bullet for Morgan. Paul demands to know who took a shot at Morgan. John recounts how Morgan burst into his home and accused him of nasty things and Philip took the bullet and saved her life. A furious Paul demands to know what “that moron” Eddie was doing firing a gun at his daughter. John explains how Morgan threatened his life, and Eddie mistakenly thought she was going for a gun in her purse. “What is he just stupid? Or as he crazy as well?” yells an angry Paul. John quips how they’re still trying to figure that one out. Paul insists that he needs to set Morgan straight on Philip, rehashing how Phil’s the one who had him plant drugs on John’s ship and drove him to set fire to the warehouse. John declares that when the game is finished, Morgan will have nothing to do with Philip Kiriakis.

John expresses how eternally disappointed he will be in Paul for betraying him. Paul refers to it as a lapse in judgement, but John counters that it was insanity. Paul reminds him for the hundredth time that he will do whatever he can to make it right. John orders him to remain there until he says so. Paul wonders if he’s going to keep him there forever to rot. “You thought you were going to die on that pier you sniveling son of a bitch!” seethes John, who tells Paul how lucky he is that his men fished him out of the water. Paul says he’s eternally grateful. John tells him to shut up and do what he’s told.

Bo and Hope return to the station, where she asks him about Victor and Philip. Bo is very vague with the details. She follows Bo into his office and reveals that she questioned Morgan again about the package from her father, sharing her suspicions that there’s a gap in the chain of evidence since there’s no proof of who wanted Paul dead. She can’t help but wonder if Bo looked inside the package when he was alone and found something. By the guilty look on Bo’s face, Hope deduces that there was more evidence inside the package.

Chelsea and Kate show up at the Java Café, where Chelsea wonders how Daniel could treat her grandma like that. Kate states that Daniel puts his patients first. Chelsea is incredulous that Daniel didn’t even care about Kate’s feelings. Kate asks her to let it go. Daniel soon arrives and needs to speak with Kate. Chelsea reluctantly agrees to let them talk alone and walks out.

Daniel apologizes to Kate for chewing her out earlier. Kate laments saying anything to Victor. Daniel vows to fight like hell to save Victor and Philip. Kate refers to Daniel as a good man and knows he’s under a lot of strain not just because of Victor and Philip. “It’s because of our relationship and your feelings for Chelsea,” she surmises. Daniel says it’s no reason to go tearing into her. Kate refers to Daniel as a passionate man with a kind heart, which is what drew her to him in the first place. She begins to say something else, but walks off instead.

Ava later arrives at the Java Café and sits down with her laptop.

Back at the station, Hope presses Bo for answers after he gets off the phone. An officer presents Hope with an anonymous email that was sent to the station regarding the Paul Hollingsworth investigation. Bo questions what it says. Hope asks him what happened to the evidence in the Hollingsworth case, deducing that it’s a police cover-up. Bo’s eyes look as though they’re about to pop out of his head.

Chelsea arrives back at the hospital and enters Victor’s room to find Daniel sitting beside an empty bed. “Where’s my grandfather?” she asks. Daniel informs her that he’s having a CAT Scan and an MRI. He admits that he was worried about Victor and he lost it, but it’s all good now with Kate. Chelsea refers to Kate as a very forgiving lady, which Daniel agrees with. She believes that Victor is really lucky to have him in his life. “And so am I,” she adds before kissing him. Kate walks in on them.
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