The Average Salary of a Survey Helper
- The average salary of a survey helper in the U.S. was $40,370 as of May 2010, reports the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Those in the 10th percentile earned less than $23,450 a year, while those in the 90th percentile earned more than $60,870. The median income for survey helpers was $37,900 annually.
- The largest industry for employed survey helpers was architectural, engineering and related services, where the bureau reports a salary average of $37,740 as of May 2010. Those working for local governments earned an average of $44,400 a year, while those working for state governments earned an average of $44,850, and those working for the federal executive branch earned an average of $47,350. In the industry of electric power generation, transmission and distribution survey helpers earned an average income of $49,770 annually, and those working in natural gas distribution earned the highest salary average for the profession at $57,200.
- The bureau reports that Idaho was the state with the highest concentration of survey helper jobs as of 2010, offering a salary average of $45,020 a year. California was the highest paying state for these workers with a salary average of $59,020, followed by Nevada with an average of $52,570. Oakland, California, was the top paying urban area for survey helpers with a salary average of $70,520 a year.
- The bureau predicts a "faster than average" employment rate increase of 19 percent for surveyors and their helpers between 2008 and 2018. Opportunities are expected to be best for those helpers who have training and understanding in GPS and digital map technologies. During times of economic recession, survey helpers may face a higher level of competition and layoffs.
Average Salary