A broad definition of Italian wine
There are many people who love everything about Italy, the food, the people, the country itself and of course the wines. Italy is considered as a romantic country and their excellent wines only add to that idea. Italian wines are made with passion and sun and that is what you taste. This is a country that produces more wine than any other country in the world and the export is enormous. There are hundreds of types of different Italian wines and that is because each wine area produces a specific kind of grapes and this gives every win a different taste. That is why getting to know the world of Italian wines can be quite complex.
There was a rumor that run for many years and was about a story that Italy kept there best wines for themselves and just exported the more generic ones to other countries. These wines were in fact fine and great wines, they were just not the absolute top. But this was a rumor and Italy is just getting rid of it in the last couple of years. Maybe that is because the times in wine making have changed because of practices and technology and a more global demand for the more exclusive Italian wines.
We can make many nuances in Italian wine but we can also roughly divide them in two different types the table wines and the more exclusive and expensive ones.
Lets start with the table wines
When we think of Italian family life, we think about large families who eat and drink together at long tables in the garden, grandmothers, fathers mothers, little children all together. Big bowls of pasta, and salads and wine lots of wine. These table wines are perfect with a robust meal and you can taste them also in most Italian restaurants. They are not expensive and are perfect for casual gatherings with friends and family. There are red and with table wines and you can serve them in a large glass jug. Most of these wines are fruity and slightly sweet, some are even sparkling and most are light bodied. Chianti is for example a very popular type of table wine, it is very affordable and many people like the taste of it.
And end with the more expensive wines
Italy has an enormous wine selection and a big part of this selection are the more exclusive and expensive wines, the price is a bit higher than the normal prices and that is justified. It all depends on the type of native grapes and the wine region where the exclusivity is based on. For example Tuscan wines are just from the province of Tuscan and no were else in the country, it can also be more specific and be pinpointed to a specific region in Tuscan and the type of grapes used. And because there are over 2,000 types of grapes that are grown all over Italy you can imagine the enormous variety of exclusive wines that are brought to the market. The possibilities are endless and this is the reason why exclusive Italian wines are complex to buy.
There was a rumor that run for many years and was about a story that Italy kept there best wines for themselves and just exported the more generic ones to other countries. These wines were in fact fine and great wines, they were just not the absolute top. But this was a rumor and Italy is just getting rid of it in the last couple of years. Maybe that is because the times in wine making have changed because of practices and technology and a more global demand for the more exclusive Italian wines.
We can make many nuances in Italian wine but we can also roughly divide them in two different types the table wines and the more exclusive and expensive ones.
Lets start with the table wines
When we think of Italian family life, we think about large families who eat and drink together at long tables in the garden, grandmothers, fathers mothers, little children all together. Big bowls of pasta, and salads and wine lots of wine. These table wines are perfect with a robust meal and you can taste them also in most Italian restaurants. They are not expensive and are perfect for casual gatherings with friends and family. There are red and with table wines and you can serve them in a large glass jug. Most of these wines are fruity and slightly sweet, some are even sparkling and most are light bodied. Chianti is for example a very popular type of table wine, it is very affordable and many people like the taste of it.
And end with the more expensive wines
Italy has an enormous wine selection and a big part of this selection are the more exclusive and expensive wines, the price is a bit higher than the normal prices and that is justified. It all depends on the type of native grapes and the wine region where the exclusivity is based on. For example Tuscan wines are just from the province of Tuscan and no were else in the country, it can also be more specific and be pinpointed to a specific region in Tuscan and the type of grapes used. And because there are over 2,000 types of grapes that are grown all over Italy you can imagine the enormous variety of exclusive wines that are brought to the market. The possibilities are endless and this is the reason why exclusive Italian wines are complex to buy.