Grand Theft Auto 4 Directions
- 1). Insert the Grand Theft Auto IV disc in the Xbox 360 console. Start the game from the Xbox menu, and select "Start" from the game's main menu to begin a new game. An introductory cinematic scene will begin playing, introducing the protagonist of the game, Niko, as he completes his trip to Liberty City to meet his friend Roman. Press the "A" button to skip the cut-scene, or watch the introduction until the end. When the video is over, you will begin an introductory mission.
- 2). Walk up to Roman's cab using the left joystick, and press the "Y" button to enter the vehicle. Press and hold the "A" button to accelerate the car, and use the "X" button to apply the brakes. Drive the car to Roman's house, which is marked on the mini-map located in the bottom right corner of the screen. When you have reached the final marker on the map, press "Y" to exit the vehicle and enter Roman's House. You will now enter another cut-scene, in which you will be introduced to your "Safe House" or saving location. This is a location on the game map in which you can save your game.
- 3). Save your game by pressing "Start" while in your Safe House. Select "Save" from the game menu, and press "X" to save your game.
- 4). Exit the Safe House by walking out the front door. At this point, you are free to engage in any activity available to you in the game world. Hijack cars by using the "Y" button near parked or slowly moving cars. Fight people by pressing "B" to activate your weapon. Press and hold the "RB" button to target a person, and press "B" to fire your weapon. At the start, Niko can only engage in fistfights, as he does not have any weapons.
- 5). Press the "Up" button on the directional pad to open your cellphone menu. The cellphone is a key device in the game, as it can be used to call contacts and access new missions and opportunities in the game. To continue the game, call Roman from your cellphone and meet him at his taxi shop.