How to Make a Robocop Costume
- 1). Look around the house for old plastic jugs, pieces, caps, cartons, or buckets. These will be used to make the chest, arm, and leg pieces.
- 2). Take a couple of 64-ounce plastic jugs and use the box cutter to cut off the bottom piece and the top piece. This will be so the jug can be slid up the arm over the protective under shirt. Do the same for pieces to go on your child's thighs. Be sure to cut the holes big enough so they can slide up without cutting into your child.
- 3). Cut a large detergent bottle in half. With the bottom of the bottle to go under the neck and over the shoulders, cut a semi-circle out to go under the neck.
- 4). Cut a couple milk jugs in half. Cut off the narrowing part at the top of the jug. Cut out a semi-circle for the back of the neck.
- 5). Trace out and cut several large circles out of remaining plastic jugs or spare pieces. Collect several other small plastic pieces to be added to the boots.
- 6). Remove any excess padding out of the bicycle helmet so it can slide down your child's head.
- 7). Cut a black strip out of a bucket to use as the eye visor part. Use the adhesive to attach it to the helmet.
- 8). Glue the plastic caps onto the helmet near the ear part. Glue any additional small plastic pieces to the boots and other armor pieces as wanted.
- 9). Spread all pieces onto newspaper and use the spray paint to cover them. Allow to dry for 20 minutes, then do any touch up painting or apply a second layer. Allow to dry for at least an hour.
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Dress your child first in the black under clothing: shirt, pants, and gloves. Slide the armor arms and thigh pieces up and on your child. Then put on the boots and helmet. Place the chest and back armor onto the shirt and attach it either by safety pins or have strings attached to the underside and tie these tightly against your child's body (use black string so it will blend).