How to Deal With a Break Up - Get Your Ex Back Instantly
Get to the end of this article and you will know exactly where to start in order to get your ex back.
If you are serious about winning them back and want to take action then read on.
First thing you need to understand when it comes to how to deal with a break up is why your ex broke it off with you in the first place.
Once you know for sure the reason you can decide on your plan of action.
A lot of people say phone them up an apologise etc.
If you have not already done this then do so, take complete blame and see what happens.
This will work on occasion but often not, this is when you need to step it up.
Now employ the exact opposite tactics, under no circumstances should you contact your ex.
Why? Because this will make them realise that you are moving on and can live without them.
This alone can be powerful enough to make them think about you a lot more and sparks curiosity in their mind.
Curiosity will lead your partner to want to know why your not constantly bombarding them with phone calls and might even prompt them to call you! This is just one very simple technique you should think about employing at the very beginning.