Relationship Success - Your Unconsciousness is Running Your Relationships

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Our unconsciousness is equivalent to the universe, unknown, limitless and, for most people, terrifying.
Relationships can be terrifying, because of the unknown aspects of fear, commitment, struggle in finding our soul mates, alluded happiness and challenges in authentic communication, while not losing our identity.
This mystery or unknown is the epitome of our unconsciousness.
Five percent of what we know and don't know represents our consciousness.
The conscious mind consists of all we know about ourselves, and the world; while the unconscious mind forces us to accept our inability to control or conceive its vast independence.
For example, try stopping your brain from thinking.
We can redirect our focus and reframe our thinking, but we can't stop our minds from functioning.
We are servants to our unconsciousness.
Our unconsciousness is running and controlling our conscious thoughts.
The five percent conscious mind is feverishly attempting to control our unconsciousness.
Why do we fear failure if we know it's unavoidable like falling off a bike or failing a test? If Michael Jordan missed 9,000 free throws, and still is considered one of the greatest, we should allow ourselves to fail in relationships.
We can learn from failure, but our brains are constantly sending us signals, don't do it, you'll fail.
You can't learn about relationships unless you are in one.
The person you partner with is your teacher; they will find your flaws, push your buttons and challenge you to growth beyond your conscious beliefs of not being worthy, inadequate, not attractive, and other non-servicing aspects of our unconscious mind.
Your conscious mind will tell you to run, but your unconscious mind perfectly matched you with your teacher.
How many teachers have you run from? Does the same type of person keep reappearing in your life? Maybe it's time to learn from the teacher.
Are you continually failing at relationships without improvement, change or growth? You are listening to your soul, but There are no accidents in the universe.
We attract what we need and want.
If we need a teacher, the right one will appear.
Maybe you need to get over abandonment issues.
The universe will send someone who will abandon you or someone who is not available.
If you need and desire quality time, you may find a workaholic with a great deal of money, but very little time.
Our unconsciousness is communicating 24 hours a day; are you listening? Your soul and spirit don't sleep; our human bodies sleep.
Getting in touch with spirit is getting in touch with our unconsciousness.
Meditation and prayer are excellent ways to detach from the consciousness.
Be careful for what you pray for, you might get it, but not the way you want it! In school, boys were never taught how to treat girls; they were always told what not to do, never what to do to enhance communication, foster commitment, or how to develop conflict resolution skills.
We learned from our parents, if we were lucky enough to have both parents.
If the father wasn't present most young women missed the crucial training on how a man treats a goddess.
Girls were unconsciously programmed by fairy tales to believe in fantasies.
The male mind is always measuring, conquering and solving problems involving money, cars, computers and other technical issues.
Men were unconsciously programmed to be more insensitive, destructive, driven, direct and in charge.
These qualities are good for football, but not for a healthy relationship.
Women and men need to be equally balanced in male and female energy.
A man can be more feminine, but he has to have a male-oriented woman who enjoys paying the bills and making decisions.
Examples of the unconscious communicating with us are reflected in our dreams and images.
It communicates in an unconscious language like intuition, ESP, visions, daydreaming, unexplainable hunches, and synchronistic events.
Our everyday conversations come from our unconscious; try and remember what you are saying, the words you use and how long you talked.
We are unconscious about how many times our hearts beat and how many breaths we take in a day.
How many times did you bat your eyes today? What was the temperature today? Who was the fifth person you talked to today? We are unconscious human beings, living an unconscious life built on our experiences from the past.
The past will predict your future, unless you are willing to live with fear and failure.
Relationships are failing at an alarming rate; maybe it is time to start learning from our failures.
We can't consciously think ourselves into a successful relationship.
We need to balance our conscious and unconscious minds in order to learn and grow from our mistakes and failures, while facing our fears in our commitment to grow and develop.
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