How to Turn My Picture to an Emo Picture
- 1). Take your picture using a digital camera. A friend can help you take the picture, or you can do it yourself.
- 2). Look the part. Don your thickest, horn rimmed glasses and toss your bangs (preferably greasy) in front of your eyes. Wear black. For a true emo picture, don't smile. Instead, show off your best confused look, frown or sad face.
- 3). Load the picture to your computer. Open your photo editing software.
- 4). Make the picture black and white. By lowering the saturation or applying a black and white special effect, you can eliminate the color in your picture and turn the picture into varying shades of gray. Your picture is already starting to look emo-tastic.
- 5). Increase the contrast of the picture. By upping the contrast, the dark areas in your picture will become more black. The result is a dramatic look, which is perfect for an emo picture.