Vitamin D, Pregnancy, and Gestational Diabetes!
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a variant of Type 2 diabetes that occurs only during pregnancy and between the twenty-fourth and twenty-eighth week.
It's extremely important for expectant mothers to keep their blood sugar levels under control, because uncontrolled blood sugars usually result in the delivery of very large babies, up to 20 pounds (9 kilos).
When gestational diabetes is not taken care of, serious harm to mother and child alike is likely, and a difficult delivery is assured.
Vitamin D, however, may be one of the safest and most effective remedies for gestational blood sugar problems, as useful as metformin and insulin.
Normalize Blood Sugar Levels Before Conception: The right time for expectant mothers to get their vitamin D levels up to normal is before they ever conceive.
In women who have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), vitamin D can be part of the treatment, along with gentle weight loss of as little as 2 to 5 pounds (1 to 2.
3 kilos).
This normalizes the blood sugar levels and increases the ratio of estrogen to testosterone that enables ovulation and conception.
Vitamin D After Conception: Once women become pregnant, vitamin D is important for helping the beta cells of the pancreas keep up with insulin demand.
It helps the parathyroid glands make calcitonin, the hormone that moves calcium into the tissues where it needs to go.
Calcitonin triggers the release of insulin from the tiny 'packets' in which is it stored in the pancreas, keeping up with the greater demand for insulin by mother and developing child.
Vitamin D also plays a role in preventing a potentially deadly condition in late pregnancy known as pre-eclampsia.
Along with getting enough calcium and magnesium from foods and supplements, getting enough of the sunshine vitamin reduces the risk of the severely high blood pressure that can come during the third trimester.
The best and safest way to get the sunshine vitamin is to spend time in the sun.
Thirty minutes of sun exposure to unprotected face, hands, and forearms every day is enough to enable the skin to make 10,000 IU of the vitamin; although skin that is covered with sun block cannot make D.
Women with darker skin need to spend more time in the sun, and all women who cannot spend time in the sunshine need to take about 5,000 IU of supplemental D a day, as the doctor directs.
Getting enough of this nutrient also reduces the risk of bacterial vaginosis and having to have Caesarian section.
It's extremely important for expectant mothers to keep their blood sugar levels under control, because uncontrolled blood sugars usually result in the delivery of very large babies, up to 20 pounds (9 kilos).
When gestational diabetes is not taken care of, serious harm to mother and child alike is likely, and a difficult delivery is assured.
Vitamin D, however, may be one of the safest and most effective remedies for gestational blood sugar problems, as useful as metformin and insulin.
Normalize Blood Sugar Levels Before Conception: The right time for expectant mothers to get their vitamin D levels up to normal is before they ever conceive.
In women who have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), vitamin D can be part of the treatment, along with gentle weight loss of as little as 2 to 5 pounds (1 to 2.
3 kilos).
This normalizes the blood sugar levels and increases the ratio of estrogen to testosterone that enables ovulation and conception.
Vitamin D After Conception: Once women become pregnant, vitamin D is important for helping the beta cells of the pancreas keep up with insulin demand.
It helps the parathyroid glands make calcitonin, the hormone that moves calcium into the tissues where it needs to go.
Calcitonin triggers the release of insulin from the tiny 'packets' in which is it stored in the pancreas, keeping up with the greater demand for insulin by mother and developing child.
Vitamin D also plays a role in preventing a potentially deadly condition in late pregnancy known as pre-eclampsia.
Along with getting enough calcium and magnesium from foods and supplements, getting enough of the sunshine vitamin reduces the risk of the severely high blood pressure that can come during the third trimester.
The best and safest way to get the sunshine vitamin is to spend time in the sun.
Thirty minutes of sun exposure to unprotected face, hands, and forearms every day is enough to enable the skin to make 10,000 IU of the vitamin; although skin that is covered with sun block cannot make D.
Women with darker skin need to spend more time in the sun, and all women who cannot spend time in the sunshine need to take about 5,000 IU of supplemental D a day, as the doctor directs.
Getting enough of this nutrient also reduces the risk of bacterial vaginosis and having to have Caesarian section.