So Sick of Love Songs - Get Her Back Songs - Do They Work?
Have you been listening to your ex-girlfriend's playlist over and over again? Are you thinking of making her a CD mix of all your favorite love songs? Rehearsing some get her back songs to sing outside her window tomorrow night? Okay, stop.
Get a grip, for the love of grub.
Though breaking up with your girl may hurt like hell, pestering her with sappy love songs may not be the way to get your ex back.
No matter what your motives may be, presenting your ex a mix CD of cheesy songs may come across as trivializing the issues you have as a couple.
Imagine how you would feel if you were so mad at someone for a very valid reason and that person sends you a CD of "Bleeding Love"? The gall! You may or may not understand it, you may or may not think it's absolutely stupid, but your ex is obviously very upset with you at the moment.
Sending her love songs will not make it better.
Chances are, she doesn't need love songs right now - especially not from you.
So, what are you supposed to do to get back your ex? Sit back and watch? Actually, that might be the most sensible thing to do at the moment.
Sit back, wait and see what happens.
If she refuses to talk to you or see you, then don't see her or talk to her.
Easier said than done? It will show her how much you respect her wishes and give you a better chance to get back together with your ex.
So, next time you find yourself tuning in to the cheesiest station on the radio and getting all teary-eyed with all the love songs - go ahead.
Sing along.
But keep it to yourself.
Though songs might make you feel better, they don't really have the answer to how to get your ex back.
That's something only time (and patience) can really tell.
Get a grip, for the love of grub.
Though breaking up with your girl may hurt like hell, pestering her with sappy love songs may not be the way to get your ex back.
No matter what your motives may be, presenting your ex a mix CD of cheesy songs may come across as trivializing the issues you have as a couple.
Imagine how you would feel if you were so mad at someone for a very valid reason and that person sends you a CD of "Bleeding Love"? The gall! You may or may not understand it, you may or may not think it's absolutely stupid, but your ex is obviously very upset with you at the moment.
Sending her love songs will not make it better.
Chances are, she doesn't need love songs right now - especially not from you.
So, what are you supposed to do to get back your ex? Sit back and watch? Actually, that might be the most sensible thing to do at the moment.
Sit back, wait and see what happens.
If she refuses to talk to you or see you, then don't see her or talk to her.
Easier said than done? It will show her how much you respect her wishes and give you a better chance to get back together with your ex.
So, next time you find yourself tuning in to the cheesiest station on the radio and getting all teary-eyed with all the love songs - go ahead.
Sing along.
But keep it to yourself.
Though songs might make you feel better, they don't really have the answer to how to get your ex back.
That's something only time (and patience) can really tell.