Where Can I Find The Best Quality And Cheapest Ink Cartridges In Cork?
As the price of original brand ink cartridges in Cork is on the increase more and more people are making the switch to using compatible ink in an effort to make savings on their printing. Some printer manufacturers have saturated the market with low cost printers in an effort to capture the unsuspecting public as returning customers when they need to buy the ink for their printer.
The low cost printer that can be bought for as little as 40 can come at a price if you don't do your homework first. A good tip before buying the printer is to investigate cost of buying replacement ink from an ink shop in Cork. If the printer will accept compatible ink cartridges not all printers will (especially some HP latest model printers), price the cartridges against their original brand equivalent.
Buying ink cartridges does not mean you have to shop in the high street, most of the Irish online suppliers will supply ink cartridges in Cork as next day delivery. The internet prices will be cheaper than the high street with offers such as free ink or low cost delivery to entice you to become a repeat customer. The best value ink cartridges in Cork coming either from an ink shop in Cork or bought online will be compatible or third party remanufactured.
The difference between compatible and remanufactured cartridges is best described as follows:
Compatible ink cartridges; Brand new printer ink manufactured as a copy of the original by a third party manufacturer. These are in effect clones of the original cartridges manufactured without infringing the copyright of the original brand cartridge. These cartridges will be cheap as they do not contain a print head and are made to suit printers that have the print head located in the printer.
Remanufactured ink cartridges; This is an original cartridge that has been returned to the factory, cleaned, refilled, tested and repackaged as new. The print head is located in the cartridge that is why it is financially viable to have them returned to the factory, refilled and resold as new.
The low cost printer that can be bought for as little as 40 can come at a price if you don't do your homework first. A good tip before buying the printer is to investigate cost of buying replacement ink from an ink shop in Cork. If the printer will accept compatible ink cartridges not all printers will (especially some HP latest model printers), price the cartridges against their original brand equivalent.
Buying ink cartridges does not mean you have to shop in the high street, most of the Irish online suppliers will supply ink cartridges in Cork as next day delivery. The internet prices will be cheaper than the high street with offers such as free ink or low cost delivery to entice you to become a repeat customer. The best value ink cartridges in Cork coming either from an ink shop in Cork or bought online will be compatible or third party remanufactured.
The difference between compatible and remanufactured cartridges is best described as follows:
Compatible ink cartridges; Brand new printer ink manufactured as a copy of the original by a third party manufacturer. These are in effect clones of the original cartridges manufactured without infringing the copyright of the original brand cartridge. These cartridges will be cheap as they do not contain a print head and are made to suit printers that have the print head located in the printer.
Remanufactured ink cartridges; This is an original cartridge that has been returned to the factory, cleaned, refilled, tested and repackaged as new. The print head is located in the cartridge that is why it is financially viable to have them returned to the factory, refilled and resold as new.