Good Birthday Gifts for a 1 Year Old
- A baby's first birthday is an exciting time to celebrate.Opening a gift image by from
Celebrating a first birthday is a big event. While the baby won't remember her party, you want to do everything you can to make it a special event. Good gifts for a 1-year-old include toys that are stimulating without any small pieces or sharp edges, clothing and keepsakes. If you are attending a first birthday party as a guest, ask the child's parents if there are any items that you should avoid. - Turning one is a huge milestone in a child's development. Every day, he is learning new ways to interact with the world around him. Throughout his first year, he will learn how to hold his head up on his own, sit up, crawl and take his first steps. Walking is a huge accomplishment for a child. The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia notes that most children begin walking between eight and 18 months old. A push toy allows him to practice walking without falling as often, similar to how a tricycle helps you learn how to ride a bike. Look for push toys that are on the same level as him so that when he reaches for the handle bar, he can hold on comfortably while pushing the toy.
- While she may not recognize how cute her new dress or swimsuit will look, parents can always appreciate new clothing for a child. Be sure to check with her parents to see what size she is wearing, as 12-month clothes may be too big or small for her. A good rule of thumb is to purchase something on the larger side to give her time to grow into the piece. Clothing basics include simple tops and pants, bathrobes or towels, sleepwear or even costumes.
- Many families have heirlooms or other family keepsakes that are passed down to every child in the family. A first birthday is a great time to present a family with a keepsake. In an article on "First Birthday Keepsakes and Traditions" for, Nick Stinnett, Ph.D., who is a professor of human development and family studies at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa notes that family keepsakes help show that the baby is a significant part of the family, and may help the baby bond with his family identity as he gets older. Many family keepsakes, such as quilts, blankets and ceremonial clothing are created by crafty family members. A family scrapbook can be a great way to chronicle his first year in a way he can look back on in later years.
Push Toys