Your Brand/ Your Name/ Your Signature
Have you ever really given much thought to your name? Can you remember the first time you learned it, or how about the first time you wrote it? Did you ever think this would be your brand for life?
I attended a graduation last Saturday, it was very nice. I was pretty impressed with one of the speakers and thought I would write about it this today. He started talking about how in kindergarten we are taught how to write our name.
You first learn how to hold that pencil and draw out the letters from the alphabet. Your teacher helps you put those letters together to form your name, and then you go home and your parents, siblings and perhaps even your grandparents all partake in this first big event. You practice and practice writing your name until you get it just right.
This is the beginning of building your brand, your signature, your reputation! Little did you know at this time in your life that something so important was taking place.
How many times do you think you wrote your name on the top of your papers while you were in school? Every paper had your signature right at the top! I bet you cannot even get close to the number.
Then you graduate and you sign that diploma with your signature. This is the beginning of your adult life. I bet many of us at this point didn't really even think about our name being our brand or how important that this is going to be for us in the future.
When I got married I was very confused about what to do. Do I keep my maiden name, my husbands name or use both? HUM? Well I did make the decision to take on my husband's last name. I guess this is a choice all of us girls come across when we get married. It was a tough one for me! My new identity began my new name, brand and my signature.
When someone does a Google search for your name, what will they find? You had better hope that it will be something you want there. This is the age of the internet and anything you do online can and will be found.
Are you even curious? Well here is a great free tool that you can use. You will need to have a Google g-mail account to use this, but anyone can get one, it will only take you a few minutes to get this set up. Then go to Google Alert, click create an alert and put your name in the search query field. Anytime your name comes up online you will now know about it.
It is very important to keep track of this sort of information, this is your name, your brand, your reputation, and this is how others see YOU! Make sure every thing that you write is something you'd be proud to have associated with your brand, both today and years down the road.
How do you think people see you? Do you have a Bio made? Is it something you can call your own?
My name is Chery Schmidt, I Live in the Beautiful North Woods of Wisconsin. Blessed Mother and Grandma that Loves life, Former Bar Manager turned full time Network Marketer who is Passionate about Helping Average People Build their Business with the Training & Tools - Proven System and Support! I love to live, laugh and enjoy life...The greatest joy in my life is my family. I live in positive emotions and I love to surround myself with positive like minded people who have a burning desire to succeed.
I'm an average gal but with extraordinary ambition and work ethic...that's just the truth!
I attended a graduation last Saturday, it was very nice. I was pretty impressed with one of the speakers and thought I would write about it this today. He started talking about how in kindergarten we are taught how to write our name.
You first learn how to hold that pencil and draw out the letters from the alphabet. Your teacher helps you put those letters together to form your name, and then you go home and your parents, siblings and perhaps even your grandparents all partake in this first big event. You practice and practice writing your name until you get it just right.
This is the beginning of building your brand, your signature, your reputation! Little did you know at this time in your life that something so important was taking place.
How many times do you think you wrote your name on the top of your papers while you were in school? Every paper had your signature right at the top! I bet you cannot even get close to the number.
Then you graduate and you sign that diploma with your signature. This is the beginning of your adult life. I bet many of us at this point didn't really even think about our name being our brand or how important that this is going to be for us in the future.
When I got married I was very confused about what to do. Do I keep my maiden name, my husbands name or use both? HUM? Well I did make the decision to take on my husband's last name. I guess this is a choice all of us girls come across when we get married. It was a tough one for me! My new identity began my new name, brand and my signature.
When someone does a Google search for your name, what will they find? You had better hope that it will be something you want there. This is the age of the internet and anything you do online can and will be found.
Are you even curious? Well here is a great free tool that you can use. You will need to have a Google g-mail account to use this, but anyone can get one, it will only take you a few minutes to get this set up. Then go to Google Alert, click create an alert and put your name in the search query field. Anytime your name comes up online you will now know about it.
It is very important to keep track of this sort of information, this is your name, your brand, your reputation, and this is how others see YOU! Make sure every thing that you write is something you'd be proud to have associated with your brand, both today and years down the road.
How do you think people see you? Do you have a Bio made? Is it something you can call your own?
My name is Chery Schmidt, I Live in the Beautiful North Woods of Wisconsin. Blessed Mother and Grandma that Loves life, Former Bar Manager turned full time Network Marketer who is Passionate about Helping Average People Build their Business with the Training & Tools - Proven System and Support! I love to live, laugh and enjoy life...The greatest joy in my life is my family. I live in positive emotions and I love to surround myself with positive like minded people who have a burning desire to succeed.
I'm an average gal but with extraordinary ambition and work ethic...that's just the truth!