Party Ideas for a Boy
- Boys are generally active and enjoy sports and games. Choose one of the boy's favorite sport or game activities. Plan the party around this theme. For example, if he likes to shoot paint ball guns, you can have a paint ball party. If he likes to skate board, have a skate board party.
Select a local location that hosts parties for sports or games that include his favorite activities. Visit the place to be certain it is exciting and fun. Do comparison shopping for the best group deal, particularly if there are several places in your area to have the party.
Send out party invitations that match the theme of the party. Be sure to tell party guests on the invitations what special clothing or equipment may be needed to play the games or do the sport. For example, a bowling party requires that everyone wear socks to be able to rent bowling shoes.
Inquire with the establishment if they decorate and what party food they include in the group party package. Plan on arriving early to decorate in the theme and greet your guests. If needed, bring a bakery birthday cake in to match the theme. For example, a cake in the shape of baseball would be perfect for a party going to a local baseball game. Meet everyone at the entrance and guide them over to the party area. - Boys love the action of trains, cars, trucks and planes. You can host many different types of boy parties around these much-loved vehicles. Choose the favorite item of the party boy from among trains, cars, trucks or planes. Plan the party around one specific type of vehicle. For example, if his favorite truck is a dump truck, you can have dumpster truck party. If he likes trains, throw a "Thomas the Engine" party. For fire trucks, have a party centered on the fire truck theme.
Select a location for the party, when possible, that fits the vehicle chosen. If no location is possible, perhaps you can have the vehicle brought to your home. For example, a "Thomas the Engine" party could be held at a train station. A fire truck party could be held at the local fire station. An EMT friend or relative could get special permission to drive an ambulance to your house to give a tour during the party.
Use party invitations that match the chosen vehicle of the party. Use party decorations, such as balloons and ribbons that match the vehicle. Put up homemade street signs. Have miniature versions in the goody bags. Order a cake in the vehicle shape for the main food item. Piñatas, water balloons, music and other games will keep the party alive and exciting.
Sports and Game Parties
Trains, Cars, Trucks and Planes Parties