What Percentage of Divorced Couples Remarry?
- As of 2002 the National Center for Health Statistics showed that 54 percent of woman who had divorced remarried within five years. The report also showed that 75 percent of female divorcees had remarried within 10 years, according to remarriage.com. In another report from usattorneylegalservices.com, numbers show that 80 percent of men and 75 percent of woman will remarry, whether or not they have children.
- According to remarriage.com, black women were less likely to remarry, while white women were more likely to remarry. While black women who remarried were more likely to divorce again, Hispanic remarriages were less likely to end in divorce.
- A 2007 report from the U.S. Census Bureau shows that in 2004, 12 percent of men and 13 percent of women had been married twice. Third and subsequent marriages ranked at 3 percent. According to usattorneylegalservices.com, 65 percent of second marriages will end in divorce; while 43 percent of first unions will end within the first 15 years.