How to Get Rid of Crows in Your Trees
- 1). Make your tree less appealing to crows. This includes removing any bird houses that are providing the crows with food, and cutting the tree branches back so crows won't want to take shelter in the tree. The key is to make sure nothing about the tree, or your property, is attracting the crows.
- 2). Squirt the crows in your tree with a garden hose. The Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains states that crows hate to get wet. Repeatedly soaking them when they show up in your tree will let them know they are not wanted on your property.
- 3). Set up a recorder that can be heard in the tree. Play a crow distress call tape every time a crow lands on the tree. The crow will leave, believing that danger is near. Eventually, the crow will associate your tree with danger and never return.
- 4). Perch a plastic hawk on one of the tree branches. Crows are afraid of hawks. In order to keep the crows from returning to your tree at a later date, you will have to keep moving the hawk around. Crows are smart and will figure out the hawk isn't a threat if it is left in one spot too long.