I Feel Like My Husband Does Not Love Me - What You Can Do to Feel Loved Again
You are both very much in love with each other, and you shower each other with attention.
After a while, this showing of emotion starts to wear off.
When you find yourself saying 'I feel like my husband does not love me', this article will help you to see that he really does still love you, and will show you how to bring those emotions back to the surface.
What made the two of you fall in love with each other to begin with? Did you have everything in common? Was there something in particular about you that grabbed your husband's attention? You can't just come out and ask him why he loves you.
His answer will probably be 'I don't know, I just do'.
This kind of response will only leave you feeling even more frustrated.
When the two of you started dating, did you compliment him a lot? About anything - his sense of fashion, his six-pack abs, his talent for cooking, etc.
If so, have you told him any of these things lately? It may sound silly, but a quick little compliment can very quickly bring back those loving feelings that you so desperately miss.
It's not that your husband doesn't love you.
He may be overly stressed out at work, and is trying not to be a burden to you.
While a lot of women like to talk about their problems, a lot of men prefer to bury their problems.
It's just not a 'manly' thing to do, to talk about problems.
If your husband is anything like mine, he plays video games or on the computer the whole time he's home.
I put up with it for a while, but then it really started to get to me.
I felt like I was only there to cook, clean, and take care of the kids.
Nothing more.
Trying to talk to him was all but impossible.
He always had a headset on, and everything I said was heard by everyone he was playing with.
It finally got to the point where I just couldn't take anymore, and here's what I did...
One day, out of the blue, I asked him if he even wanted me and the kids.
He looked at me with eyes a big as golf balls, and said 'of course I do, why would you even ask that?' That one question led to a whole conversation - we haven't had a conversation that lasted over two minutes for over a year.
After that, the loving feelings gradually came back - he would give me a hug when I was doing dishes, or give me a kiss for no reason.
Don't get me wrong - he still plays video games constantly, I don't think he'll ever stop.
But I now know he does love me, in his own weird, 'manly' way.
Find your own way of asking your husband how he feels.
Whether it be during half-time, or a drink break, or while he's reading the newspaper.
Just a quick little question may just open a door that's been closed for some time now.
Your husband probably doesn't even realize that you feel this way.