My Boyfriend Left Me For Another Girl – How To Show Him That You're The One For Him

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"My boyfriend left me for another girl but I still want him." You probably think that when you say this, you sound desperate. Actually, people around you may have told you just that. Anyone who hasn't been in this situation is bound to wonder how you can still be in love with a man who has dumped you for someone else. The problem is that they can't possibly know what's going on in your heart. Naturally, it's devastating to be tossed to the side when your boyfriend meets someone new. However, it doesn't have to be the end of your relationship with him. Many couples who go through something like this eventually find their way back together again. In fact, it's not uncommon for a man and woman to fall even deeper in love after they've gone through a breakup. If you're determined to steal him back from her you need two main allies. One is acceptance and the other is patience.

Whenever a woman says to herself, "my boyfriend left me for another girl," she feels a deep and unending sense of rejection. In his eyes, you weren't good enough and she was. That's a hard pill to swallow. It can make you feel desperate and likely the first step you may take is to try and break them up. That's an understandable reaction but attempting something like that will probably cause more harm than good. It will make you look jealous and petty and those are two things you don't want him to associate with you. You have to be a better person than that and for now, that means that you must accept their relationship. If you can do that, you'll be laying the foundation for a romantic reunion between you and him.

Become his friend. That's the very best advice you can follow if your boyfriend left you for another girl. Right now, he is establishing a connection with his new girlfriend so you need to ensure that you keep some sort of connection with him alive. Since you're hurt, you shouldn't approach him with the idea of becoming friends too soon after he dumped you. Give it some time. Create some distance between the two of your first. Then once a few weeks have passed, approach him again. He'll likely be a bit sheepish since he was the one who broke your heart but show him that you're over him. He'll be surprised by that and he'll welcome the idea of you two being friends. Then all that is left is for you to show him that you can be a supportive, loving and trusted friend to him. Once his new relationship begins to unravel, you'll be the shoulder he needs to lean on.
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