How to Stop a Leak in the Basement With Quikrete Soil
- 1). Remove any dirt and loose mortar pieces from the leaking area with a wire brush.
- 2). Chisel out any small cracks and holes that surround the leaking area with a hammer and a cold chisel while wearing eye protection.
- 3). Wipe the damaged area down with water and a sponge to remove the mortar dust. Allow the surface to dry completely.
- 4). Apply the Quikrete concrete patching compound across the leaking area with a margin trowel if repairing a small surface area or with a stainless steel pool trowel or plastic trowel for large repair surfaces. If the damaged surface is greater than 1/4 inch deep, apply a 1/8-inch layer and allow at least 24 hours to pass before applying a second layer. Anticipate the curing process to take three days.