Kids' Christian Thanksgiving Crafts
- Use a large piece of construction paper or computer paper to make this placemat. You can use yellow, light brown or white paper. Have kids trace their hand on piece of paper, and add a head and feet to make a turkey. Color it in with markers, crayons and colored pencils. On the sides, draw pumpkins, leaves, corn and squash. Then, on the top of the page, write "Thank You God," "Jesus, I Am Thankful" or "God Provides Everything I Need." If they are old enough, let the kids write it themselves. Once finished, glue the paper onto a poster board or thick paper; laminate it if you are able.
- Make a turkey to show how thankful you are. Print off a template of a coloring page for a turkey, or let kids draw their own version of the front of a turkey. However, the turkey should not have any feathers and should face forward. Cut out the turkey and set it aside. Cut out small rounded strips of yellow, orange and brown paper to serve as the turkey's feathers. Pass them out to the kids, and let them write what they are thankful for on the papers. For variety, have each child write several copies of what he or she is thankful for, and let the children all share their feathers. Next, glue the feathers onto the back of the turkey so that the words are visible from the front. Once finished, glue a small sign that says, "I am Thankful" to the front of each turkey.
- Before making this craft, collect colorful, autumnal leaves from outside. In class, tell the story of the 10 lepers that came to Jesus; after Jesus healed them, nine went away and said nothing. Only one returned to say thanks. Explain how Jesus wants us to be thankful for things in our lives, and ask the students, "has someone ever done something really nice for you but you never said thank you?" Once everyone thinks of someone, pass out one piece of construction paper to each student; have them fold it into fourths. On the front, let them decorate their card with the leaves. They can use several leaves or just one; use glue to attach the leaves to the cards. On the inside, have the children write a thank-you note to the person they are thankful for.
Turkey Placemat
"I am Thankful" Turkey
Thankful Cards