Bringing Your Best Golf From The Range To The Course
"Good on the range, bad on the tee" How many times have you heard this? "I can't believe it, I've just had a shocking round, I was just awful. What's really annoying is I have been hitting it great on the range..."
How many times have you said it?
Well you're not alone, it is one of the top three complaints I hear, and I certainly sympathise, I've felt the same myself more than once!
But don't despair...there is a simple answer to your problem…
…And once you learn how to get out of what I call the "Good on the range, bad on the tee cycle" You will begin to experience levels of consistent golf you've never experienced before. Read on and I'll tell you what I discovered and how you can use a simple method to get out of this frustrating cycle.
My golfing life was 99% frustration and 1% elation, the frustration was usually on the course and the elation, what little there was, was on the range.
One evening after as typically fruitless session hitting balls on the range, I said to myself in desperation, if you can't hit it well, at least go through the motions and act like a good player. So I abandoned any hopes of hitting it well and began doing exactly what I'd seen good players on TV do. I put the ball on the tee, then stepped back, picked a target, chose an intermediate target, walked to the ball, set up carefully and took my grip. Once I had settled, and my set up was good, I looked at the target and made my swing.
At first I missed one or more of the steps, and occasionally I got the steps in the wrong order.
But I stuck with it, until I could repeat the routine over and over, again and again I did this with ball after ball working through 2 buckets of 40 balls each, my focus was very soon far more on the routine I was establishing than on any swing technique, I was clear about my target, fastidious about set up and would only swing when I'd carried out the full routine.
Did I hit the ball well?
I hit it great. The more I focused on my routine and less on technique the better the shots flew. I left the range really pleased with myself, I'd hit on something that seemed to work on all my clubs, from wedges to my driver.
Like most golfers who have put their heart and soul into any practicing I couldn't help feeling resigned to the fact I'd probably not see that many good shots on the course the next day when I played.
That night I was lying in bed thinking about it before drifting off to sleep and I decided to commit to using the routine I'd used on the range in exactly the same way on the course the next afternoon. I also committed to measure success for the upcoming round not on the score, but instead, on how well I stayed in routine.
I wanted to see if I could replicate the easy success I had seen on the range when I was on the course.
... I'm now sure this became the most important decision I've ever made in golf.
Amazing! The next day I scored 8 shots better than I had all year, and hit the ball purer than I had on the course almost ever.
Even more amazing was how well I putted, I hadn't practiced a routine for putting, but I realised on the first green I didn't have a routine, so I improvised, and adapted the routine I made for myself and as I got more comfortable with it, the better I putted through the round.
Since then this has become the most important part of my game in so many ways I can't even begin to explain in a short article like this.
How can this help you?
On the range, decide the steps of a pre shot routine. On the range, hit a full bucket of balls with all your focus on execution of your routine - ignore the outcome of the shot.
On the course play a round with your focus exclusively on the execution of each shot using your routine - ignore the scoring outcome.
Repeat this cycle at least 6 times,
If you do these 4 steps, you will have the foundation for a powerful habit that will transform your game for life.
How many times have you said it?
Well you're not alone, it is one of the top three complaints I hear, and I certainly sympathise, I've felt the same myself more than once!
But don't despair...there is a simple answer to your problem…
…And once you learn how to get out of what I call the "Good on the range, bad on the tee cycle" You will begin to experience levels of consistent golf you've never experienced before. Read on and I'll tell you what I discovered and how you can use a simple method to get out of this frustrating cycle.
My golfing life was 99% frustration and 1% elation, the frustration was usually on the course and the elation, what little there was, was on the range.
One evening after as typically fruitless session hitting balls on the range, I said to myself in desperation, if you can't hit it well, at least go through the motions and act like a good player. So I abandoned any hopes of hitting it well and began doing exactly what I'd seen good players on TV do. I put the ball on the tee, then stepped back, picked a target, chose an intermediate target, walked to the ball, set up carefully and took my grip. Once I had settled, and my set up was good, I looked at the target and made my swing.
At first I missed one or more of the steps, and occasionally I got the steps in the wrong order.
But I stuck with it, until I could repeat the routine over and over, again and again I did this with ball after ball working through 2 buckets of 40 balls each, my focus was very soon far more on the routine I was establishing than on any swing technique, I was clear about my target, fastidious about set up and would only swing when I'd carried out the full routine.
Did I hit the ball well?
I hit it great. The more I focused on my routine and less on technique the better the shots flew. I left the range really pleased with myself, I'd hit on something that seemed to work on all my clubs, from wedges to my driver.
Like most golfers who have put their heart and soul into any practicing I couldn't help feeling resigned to the fact I'd probably not see that many good shots on the course the next day when I played.
That night I was lying in bed thinking about it before drifting off to sleep and I decided to commit to using the routine I'd used on the range in exactly the same way on the course the next afternoon. I also committed to measure success for the upcoming round not on the score, but instead, on how well I stayed in routine.
I wanted to see if I could replicate the easy success I had seen on the range when I was on the course.
... I'm now sure this became the most important decision I've ever made in golf.
Amazing! The next day I scored 8 shots better than I had all year, and hit the ball purer than I had on the course almost ever.
Even more amazing was how well I putted, I hadn't practiced a routine for putting, but I realised on the first green I didn't have a routine, so I improvised, and adapted the routine I made for myself and as I got more comfortable with it, the better I putted through the round.
Since then this has become the most important part of my game in so many ways I can't even begin to explain in a short article like this.
How can this help you?
On the range, decide the steps of a pre shot routine. On the range, hit a full bucket of balls with all your focus on execution of your routine - ignore the outcome of the shot.
On the course play a round with your focus exclusively on the execution of each shot using your routine - ignore the scoring outcome.
Repeat this cycle at least 6 times,
If you do these 4 steps, you will have the foundation for a powerful habit that will transform your game for life.