Four Tips to Boost Your Personal Injury Marketing Creativity
So how do you keep your content fresh? You could hire web content writing services and leave it up to them to find new, engaging topics, or you could try these four tips on boosting your writing creativity.
Tip #1 - Find Your Focus
If daily blogging is part of your personal injury marketing regiment then you may find yourself losing focus over time. Think about it - if you're losing interest in writing a blog every day, your audience may start losing interest in reading a blog on personal injury law every day.
To keep focused on daily blogging, set aside a distinct time every day to knock out your blog entry. After a few weeks, you'll have trained your brain to understand that 2 p.m. is blog time and you can't focus on anything else until that's complete.
Tip #2 - Create a New Sound Atmosphere
If you write in a silent, boring office environment your web content is bound to sound the same. There are several websites that exist to solve the lack of ambient noise, and that just may be the creative boost you need to focus on your work. Try which adds the ambient sound of a busy coffee shop over your favorite music tracks. It's like taking a break at the local coffee hangout without leaving the office - which may trick your brain into breaking out of its stagnant work mode and into a more creative mindset!
Tip #3 - Consume Some Media
When researching new blog topics many web content writing services turn to the recent media to inspire new ideas. With personal injury law firms, the relevant news to your industry is usually local accidents, which aren't always appropriate to blog about. However, if you can open your mind to think about the rest of the news in a new light, you may find ways to fit hot topics into relevant entries for your blog.
For example, a recent news story on scientific advances in prosthetic hands could inspire you to write a blog about how the types of medical needs and expenses an amputee may have in their future. A family whose loved one just lost a limb in a car crash may find your blog especially interesting if you include a few notes on how a victim should ensure their personal injury settlement accounts for these future expenses.
Tip #4 - Write Outside the Box
Just because you're focused on personal injury marketing doesn't mean your entire web content needs to be on that topic. Sometimes it's good to go off the beaten path and do a blog about something completely different. Office news and local interests are great topics when you want to boost your reputation as the local personal injury attorney who really cares about his or her community.
Health and safety are related topics that would benefit the article library of any good personal injury website. You can take a break from laws and insurance matters and instead give some helpful tips for fireworks safety or explain how the local bicycle lane laws help protect cyclists.
A final thought on creativity with personal injury marketing - diversity is good! Mix up your topics, create seasonal content, take advantage of hot news stories€¦make sure your web writing isn't about your services all the time!