How to Buy Bookcases With Glass Doors
- 1). ** Look at the design of your room as a whole **
Before choosing your bookcase with glass doors, make sure to analyze the design of the room where you are planning on placing the bookcase. You will want to choose a similar design to the surroundings. If you have a cherry work desk in the room, you may want to choose a cherry bookcase to match. - 2). ** Determine what you will be keeping in the bookcase **
Make sure that a bookcase with glass door is right for you by deciding what you will keep inside in advance. If you will be keeping neat and organized books that will add to the look and feel of the room, then a bookcase with glass doors could do very well. If your books are of different sizes or look messy from the outside, you may opt for doors that will hide the contents instead of glass doors. - 3). ** Be careful with children **
If you have children, you should be careful with glass doors. You may want to purchase bookcases where the glass doors do not start from the floor but only from higher up out of reach from the children. You can get bookcases that have wooden doors on the bottom and glass doors on top. You can put child proof locks on the bottom cabinets. - 4). ** Save money buy only buying glass doors for one or two shelves **
Bookcases can be left open without any doors. If you want to save money on bookcases with glass doors, consider only buying glass doors for the shelves that will contain contents that need the glass doors and leave shelves with books without doors at all. For example, if you have one shelf with silver and the rest of the shelves with books, buy a bookcase without doors and just make doors for the one shelf that holds the silver. - 5). ** Choose a china cabinet instead of a bookcase with glass doors **
Are you sure you are looking for a bookcase with glass doors? A china cabinet might be more to your liking if you are looking to display contents other than books. If you have are looking to purchase a dining room table for the same room, you may opt to buy a matching china cabinet instead of a bookcase with glass doors. A china cabinet will display your contents in a very decorative manner. - 6). ** Look into door types **
Depending on your preference, you might want to buy book cases with sliding glass doors instead of glass doors that pull out. It is best to try out sliding glass doors before you purchase to see if you like this style. - 7). ** Buy bookcases with wooden doors on the bottom **
If you want to store contents that you don't want visitors to see, you can buy bookcases with glass doors for the top cabinets and bookcases with wooden doors for the bottom cabinets. This way, you can put messy contents or contents that are private in the bottom cabinets where guests will not be able to see what is inside.