Viagra - The Undisputed Ruler
Taking a sufficient dosage of Viagra you can have an erection without a woman around, and without having sexual thoughts.
Viagra, the little blue pill that has spiced up the sex lives of millions of couples, just got a rival.
Viagra (sildenafil citrate) is a beautiful drug when it comes to engineering erections.
You pop a pill, and if the pill was a sufficient dosage, then, about an hour later, an erection is quite certain.
The popularity of erectile-dysfunction [http://www.
html] medications, such as Viagra and Cialis, has spurred a black market industry for supplying and selling these medications - particularly the most popular one, Viagra, or "the little blue pill.
" Drugs like Viagra are accounting for hundreds of millions of riyals in sales annually in the Kingdom.
But because of the demand and counterfeit drugs in the marketplace, buyers may not be getting what they bargained for 20 to 70 years old people asking for the blue pills.
Taking drug Viagra of course, start out with a sufficient erection, which gives self-confidence (which supports the parasympathetic nervous system), which will put them in a situation to maintaining their erection.
There are five degrees of the potency problem caused by different factors, so it is possible that even the young might need it, and there is no harm in taking it - except for those taking any nitrate medications for specific heart problems.
The danger for men buying the medication without a prescription is in not knowing their health condition or not informing the pharmacist.
Since Viagra was introduced in Saudi Arabia six years ago, it has become one of the top-selling medications.
It remained the only male potency medication for three years before others types were developed, but it is still the most popular.
Despite its high price, the demand by Asians for Viagra is considerable, if media reports are to be believed.
Impotence has been estimated to affect half the men in Asia aged between 40 and 70.
Customs officials only allow one bottle per tourist.
Even these limited imports are heavily taxed, and in addition, each tourist must sign a form saying they will not resell Viagra in the local market.
Viagra should be comparably cheap.
It is almost certain to prove more effective.
If the sales experience with Viagra in the United States and Europe is any guide, it is likely the new impotence-erasing pills will be an instant hit all over the region.
Viagra, the little blue pill that has spiced up the sex lives of millions of couples, just got a rival.
Viagra (sildenafil citrate) is a beautiful drug when it comes to engineering erections.
You pop a pill, and if the pill was a sufficient dosage, then, about an hour later, an erection is quite certain.
The popularity of erectile-dysfunction [http://www.
html] medications, such as Viagra and Cialis, has spurred a black market industry for supplying and selling these medications - particularly the most popular one, Viagra, or "the little blue pill.
" Drugs like Viagra are accounting for hundreds of millions of riyals in sales annually in the Kingdom.
But because of the demand and counterfeit drugs in the marketplace, buyers may not be getting what they bargained for 20 to 70 years old people asking for the blue pills.
Taking drug Viagra of course, start out with a sufficient erection, which gives self-confidence (which supports the parasympathetic nervous system), which will put them in a situation to maintaining their erection.
There are five degrees of the potency problem caused by different factors, so it is possible that even the young might need it, and there is no harm in taking it - except for those taking any nitrate medications for specific heart problems.
The danger for men buying the medication without a prescription is in not knowing their health condition or not informing the pharmacist.
Since Viagra was introduced in Saudi Arabia six years ago, it has become one of the top-selling medications.
It remained the only male potency medication for three years before others types were developed, but it is still the most popular.
Despite its high price, the demand by Asians for Viagra is considerable, if media reports are to be believed.
Impotence has been estimated to affect half the men in Asia aged between 40 and 70.
Customs officials only allow one bottle per tourist.
Even these limited imports are heavily taxed, and in addition, each tourist must sign a form saying they will not resell Viagra in the local market.
Viagra should be comparably cheap.
It is almost certain to prove more effective.
If the sales experience with Viagra in the United States and Europe is any guide, it is likely the new impotence-erasing pills will be an instant hit all over the region.