Best Ways to Make Money Online - Ten Tips
There is no doubt that there are many thousands of ways you can make a decent living online though.
However I'd like to give you some thoughts and tips that might help you in your search.
I think one important saying that has always helped me is one my grandfather used to tell me - "if it waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck - then it is a duck".
Remember as soon as you start typing 'how do i work online', 'how i make money from the internet' into any search engine then you will be sucked into a world full of false promises and get rich quick schemes - be on your guard and consider these points.
- No one is going to pay you a fortune (or anything much) for simply surfing the web
- No one has a 'secret to riches' and if they do they are not going to tell or sell it to anyone
- As in life there are no easy ways to make lots of money online
- No one but you can make you wealthy
- Get rich schemes rely simply on one fact - there's a mug born every minute
- If a job or scheme seems to good to be true - then it is
- Lazy people don't get rich - anything worthwhile online requires work
- Work out a strategy and stick to it
Of course there are many ways to do this some of them surprisingly straight forward.
Interested in gardening? Start up a free blog (with blogger or wordpress - it's free and takes 10 minutes to set up) and start writing short pieces related to gardening - then you can set up a few affiliate accounts and sell gardening related tools and services on your blog.
Then open up an Ezines account on this site and start publishing articles on gardening to help bring more people to your blog - work hard and you could soon have a great little business online.
It can be that easy but it does require work - don't be fooled by anyone who tries to tell you otherwise.