How Do I Make a Hillbilly Golf Game Out of a PVC Pipe?
- 1). With your saw or pipe cutter cut 14 pieces of PVC pipe 2 feet in length and 16 pieces 1-foot.
- 2). Assemble the base of the structure. Use 4 of the 90-degree elbows and 2 of the tees. The 2-foot pipe needs to be used for the base of the ladder. Make sure to stand up 2 of the tee connectors in the center on each side going length ways.
- 3). Assemble the ladder piece. This piece looks like a ladder and is what determines score during game play. In this step you will use 4 of the tees and 2 of the 90-degree elbows. Use the 1-foot pipes for the sides of the ladder and the 2-foot pipes for the ladder rungs.
- 4). Attach the ladder piece to the base by putting the pipes from the ladder piece into the tee connectors that are standing up in the base.
- 5). Create the bolos, or game pieces made with two golf balls connected by a rope. Take your drill and drill bit and drill holes into the center of the 6 golf balls. With scissors cut the nylon rope into 18-inch pieces. Attach the golf balls to each end of the nylon rope and tie a knot at the top and bottom of the balls. The balls should end up being about 12-inches apart.
- 6). Play your game. Place the structure that you just built approximately 15 to 21-feet from where you are standing on a flat surface. Player one will throw the balls at the ladder, trying to get them to wrap around the top rung. The top rung is worth 3 points, middle worth 2, and bottom worth 1 point. The person who gets to the score of 21 points first wins.