2012, Presidential Election
The 2012 Presidential election is going to be interesting.
While the world watches, many interesting and fascinating events will occur.
I know it is said every election, at least in the last 15 years, but this is the most critical election in modern time.
The fate of not only the United States, but the entire free world as well,hangs in the balance.
Do we continue on the path to destruction by embracing socialism and even worse Marxism, or do we find our way back to what our founding fathers intended for this country and the world, freedom and a place where mankind could reach it's highest potential without the interference of government.
As has already been evidenced, many individuals will play a part in this election, and each will play a major role in the final outcome.
The moment I saw Sarah Palin in 2008 I knew she would be a major player and possibly president someday.
Everyone seems to forget, John McCain and Sarah were leading the 2008 presidential polls, until the financial crisis which conveniently occurred 5 weeks before the election.
(October surprise?) She was without a doubt the first to speak out, her boldness set the way for others to follow, as a result she took much heat for this.
Such is the plight for trend setters.
Many see her as radical, this just goes to show how far our country has drifted from the path originally set by our founding fathers.
In today's world John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan would be labeled extreme and would have little chance of getting elected to anything.
Following Governor Palin came Michelle Bachmann, Ron Paul, Rick Perry and others, each contributing much to the campaign.
Although most have fallen out of the hunt as of today, they still continue to contribute and slowly educate the American citizen as to the virtues of their beliefs.
Deep down, most people know that what they are saying is true, however, people have been so mis-educated by not only the media, but our educational system and misinformed parents as well, they have lost sight of the basic values we as human souls are all instilled with.
People have been so indoctrinated by a society that teaches many to be dependent on government and their entitlements and the misconception it creates.
Many believe that life is easier if someone does everything and pays for everything for them.
This may be true for a while, but sooner or later, there is a price to pay, the one with the money is the one in control of your life.
Do you want the government in control of your life.
This election will determine the fate of not only the United States and it's citizens but the fate of the world for many years to come.
Do we want to continue down the path of socialism and destruction, or do we want to gradually return to the values and work ethic our country was founded on? Do we want to take the easy way out, or do we want to return to the time tested values that have sustained generations of people throughout the ages? Do we want to put forth a little extra effort to guarantee of life similar to ours for generations of our descendants, or do we want to sentence them to a life of subjugation and poverty, a life with little freedom and opportunity? Someday you may return to this planet, what do you want to find if and when you do
While the world watches, many interesting and fascinating events will occur.
I know it is said every election, at least in the last 15 years, but this is the most critical election in modern time.
The fate of not only the United States, but the entire free world as well,hangs in the balance.
Do we continue on the path to destruction by embracing socialism and even worse Marxism, or do we find our way back to what our founding fathers intended for this country and the world, freedom and a place where mankind could reach it's highest potential without the interference of government.
As has already been evidenced, many individuals will play a part in this election, and each will play a major role in the final outcome.
The moment I saw Sarah Palin in 2008 I knew she would be a major player and possibly president someday.
Everyone seems to forget, John McCain and Sarah were leading the 2008 presidential polls, until the financial crisis which conveniently occurred 5 weeks before the election.
(October surprise?) She was without a doubt the first to speak out, her boldness set the way for others to follow, as a result she took much heat for this.
Such is the plight for trend setters.
Many see her as radical, this just goes to show how far our country has drifted from the path originally set by our founding fathers.
In today's world John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan would be labeled extreme and would have little chance of getting elected to anything.
Following Governor Palin came Michelle Bachmann, Ron Paul, Rick Perry and others, each contributing much to the campaign.
Although most have fallen out of the hunt as of today, they still continue to contribute and slowly educate the American citizen as to the virtues of their beliefs.
Deep down, most people know that what they are saying is true, however, people have been so mis-educated by not only the media, but our educational system and misinformed parents as well, they have lost sight of the basic values we as human souls are all instilled with.
People have been so indoctrinated by a society that teaches many to be dependent on government and their entitlements and the misconception it creates.
Many believe that life is easier if someone does everything and pays for everything for them.
This may be true for a while, but sooner or later, there is a price to pay, the one with the money is the one in control of your life.
Do you want the government in control of your life.
This election will determine the fate of not only the United States and it's citizens but the fate of the world for many years to come.
Do we want to continue down the path of socialism and destruction, or do we want to gradually return to the values and work ethic our country was founded on? Do we want to take the easy way out, or do we want to return to the time tested values that have sustained generations of people throughout the ages? Do we want to put forth a little extra effort to guarantee of life similar to ours for generations of our descendants, or do we want to sentence them to a life of subjugation and poverty, a life with little freedom and opportunity? Someday you may return to this planet, what do you want to find if and when you do