How Do I Get My Ex Back? How to Get Back With Someone You Live With
The truth is people support each other, and, getting involved seriously into a relationship means a lot of things.
If you live together with someone else, it is only normal to share every aspect of life with that person.
You two use your money for home expenses, you spend time together, problems are common and so on.
If the relationship already starts showing signs of cracks, maybe it is time to question yourself: "How do I get my ex back?" Here is some sound advice on the matter.
Respect Their Space Once you had a serious fight, and your partner decides to move in a different area of the house and stay there separated from you, do not bust the door room open.
Respect their own personal space, and ask permission if you want to go see them in their room.
Because they feel hurt, and they have something that is bothering them because of how things evolved between you two, they need to spend some time alone, even if you live in the same house.
Demand What's Right When living together after the break up, things can get terribly complicated.
Some people think that it is alright to demand the same treatment as before, without making any commitment.
Make sure that your ex does not cross the lines they decided to put there.
If they are not willing to make up with you, and they do not want to offer you affection and devotion, do not be the only one that does that.
Keep your relationship for the moment at the friendship status.
Practical Arrangements The status quo, as presented so far, should not last forever.
It is true that you want to find the answer to your question, "How do I get my ex back?", but some practical arrangements still need to be discussed.
As you live in the same house, it must be settled which one of you has to leave, and which to stay.
Have a honest and serious discussion about this, without letting anger or sorrow get in the way.