Popular Spyware Methods
- Drive-by downloads happen when a website prompts a person to download an unwanted program or click on a misleading pop-up or link. For instance, a website instructs a person to download a program for proper viewing of the site. However, during the process, another unwanted program requests permission for installation. Some malicious sites take advantage of Internet browser security gaps that allow programs to download without the user's permission. In some cases, malware embedded within a web page uses Microsoft's ActiveX technology to install the program so the malware can run whenever the browser opens.
- Bundling or including spyware in other downloads takes place at many peer-2-peer (p2p) networks like BitTorrent, LimeWire and Kazaa. At some sites, infected files have inviting names or the spyware piggybacks on pirated music, movie or television shows. The spyware files install during the p2p installation process. Applications like Onflow, VX2and Webhancer use this method to install themselves on a computer and track the user's Internet activity. Read all license agreements and pop-ups carefully, sometimes they contain vague references about the add-on programs.
- Sometimes users download spyware when they download free software. When a user downloads the desired program, a second hidden program also downloads. Once installed, it monitors and reports the user's activities. If uninstalled, part of the program stays behind and reinstalls itself when the user establishes an Internet connection. Criminals target software that users often need or want, like antivirus programs, games or productivity software. Not all free software contains spyware, however users should exercise caution.
- Spam email frequently carries spyware. When a user opens, views or downloads attachments from malicious spam, spyware can download itself to the user's computer. Once there, it carries out the programmed task. However, spam is not the only culprit. Friends, family and business associates infected with spyware may innocently pass it along with every email. Infected files and discs also distribute spyware when copied to a person's computer.
Drive-by Downloads
Free Downloads
Infected Email and Files