The Best Way to Get Your Ex Back - A Step-By-Step Tutorial
I remember when I went through breakups and I felt like a crazy man, trying to do anything I could to get my ex-girlfriend to change her mind.
Little did I know that this was actually destroying much of my chances to get her back, and I only realized after getting her back that there is a much more effective way to do it...
The problem with many people is that they get into this natural sense of desperation, thinking that they are going to lose their ex forever unless they are able to somehow persuade them to get back with them.
They end up calling and texting them so much that your ex will just get annoyed, frustrated and confused.
This is bad, and will ruin your chances.
To get your ex back, you simply need to take a back seat for a while and make your ex think that you're totally cool.
You need to find something interesting to occupy your mind for a week and then don't call your partner or contact them in that time.
This will make them think you're getting over the breakup and crucially, it will make them more open to talking to you.
After you've done that, you then need to cement the idea that you're cool about the breakup, by sending them a simple message about how you're sorry for acting stupidly and that you think you should still keep in contact because you have such a strong bond.
This should make them think you're actually level-headed and that you are putting their feelings in the fore-front of your mind.
When you reach this stage, it's important that you then keep the momentum going by getting your ex to come out to lunch with you and then out at the evenings, etc.
Just make it feel like you love their company, and keep the conversation AWAY from the past times you've had - only focusing on the present.
If you can make them feel good, and make them think you're actually cool and not just trying to get them back, then it's only a matter of time before they will be okay giving the relationship another chance.
It's all about making them realize you're not a wuss and are strong, and interested in making both of you feel the best about life.